Chapter 2

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The next few days were a bit easier on Louis, he didn’t have to see much of Harry except during class and even then he mostly slept. Louis stayed as far from the curly haired boy as he possibly could. He tried to ignore it when he would pass Harry in the halls and their eyes would catch, leaving Louis a bit shell shocked and breathless. He wanted nothing more than to keep disliking Harry with everything he had but there was still that pulling in his stomach every time he thought of the boy. Which if Louis was being honest it was a lot more than necessary.

Louis had long ago come to terms with the fact that he thought most boys were attractive, it was one of the things that connected Zayn and Louis so much. After all Zayn was his first crush and first kiss, boy or girl. It was all in the past now and their friendship was never more than that, a friendship.

Louis sat in his car in the school parking lot smoking a cigarette when his phone vibrated. He pulled it out and saw it was from Harry.

You know smoking on school grounds is prohibited right? :)

Louis smirked to himself and looked around trying to spot the curly haired boy. He gave up and turned to his phone again.

You know that stalking is illegal right?

Touché :)

What do you want Styles? :)

That depends.

On what?

If you’re going to play nice.

How about you tell me what you want and I’ll tell you if I wanna play nice.

That’s not fair.

How so?

Because then you’ll know what I want and if you don’t want to play nice then I get nothing.

Fine, I’ll play nice. Now tell me what you want.


What are we five?

Six actually :) now do you promise?

You know if I didn’t find you so annoying, I might actually find you charming.

I’ll take that as a compliment, but you still didn’t promise.

Louis chuckled at his phone, enjoying their little conversation.

Fine Styles, I promise to play nice. Now what do you want?

Come over to my house today instead of the coffee shop?


Louis stared at his phone as he waited for Harry to text back. He had just finished with his cigarette when his phone buzzed again.

Got into it with Taylor today, she and her bitchy friends are going there after school. Don’t wanna see them.

Oh, sorry man that sucks..?

No not really she’s not exactly my type.

Louis looked at the text smirking at his phone, of course she wasn’t his type. If Joe was any indication his type didn’t exactly have boobs and bleach blonde hair.

I kinda figured that.

What’s that supposed to mean?

Nothing Harry. Just you don’t seem like the type to go for clingy annoying bitches.

Oh well I’m leaving and I don’t text and drive see you at my place?

Louis read the text and copied the directions Harry had attached into his GPS.

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