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Hello everyone! I'm back and ready to type again! Sorry for the delay I just forgot about this story again and I also forgot I have this app ;-;. So yeah! Also new way off typing this! So yeah let's go into the story :D.

Stephen POV:

All I saw was darkness until my eyes fluttered open. I felt something on my lap. It was Hosuh. I smiled a little before getting up, making sure not to wake up Hosuh. After that, I went in the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Once I was done, I went to my room to play Dota. After a little while, I heard footsteps coming towards my door. I assumed it was Dan but as soon as I opened the door, it was (Y/N). "Good morning (Y/N)." I said. "Morning Stephen!" she said happily. "What are you doing?" they asked. "Playing Dota." I stated. "Oh! I've heard of that game before! I remember playing it one time." "Sweet." I said. Soon after, me and (Y/N) we're talking in my room. We got to talk about hobbies. Until soon after we heard commotion downstairs. It's sounded like... yelling. "What going on downstairs?!" (Y/N) asked nervously. "N-No clue, let's check it out." I said while stuttering. Me and (Y/N) ran down the hall quickly. As we got to the living room, we saw Jay and Dan fighting. Hosuh saw us and he ran towards us. Hosuh hugged me and told us to do something since he isn't the type of person that get involved with stuff. None of use know what to do until...

Your POV:

Jay and Dan were fighting for a good 2 minutes until I said, "Silence." Jay and Dan turned around to see me. I said it so calmly but yet so firm and loud it managed to shut everyone up. Hosuh was still hugging Stephen  and Stephen was still calming him down. I look back at Jay and Dan and asked, "Why were you guys fighting?" They didn't answer. I said it again. No response. Out of pure anger I said, "TELL ME GOD DAMN IT!" I could hear Hosuh whimper. That was the only thing we could here. Everything else was silent. Instead of answering, Jay went to his room and Dan went to the kitchen. Jay passed in front of me. I watched as he went into his room and slammed the door shut, making a loud noise. "I bet we are gonna get kicked out due to yelling." I stated. "Doubt it." Stephen said. "Imma check on Jay then Dan." "N-Not a g-good idea (Y/N)..." Hosuh said quietly. "Hm?" I cooed. "They aren't the best at talking when mad." Stephen said bluntly. "If they do anything, I'll have my ways." I said. "Whatever you say, but don't say I didn't warn you." Stephen stated. I walked to Jay's room door and stood there for a second. Do I wanna go in? Yes. But what happens if I get hurt. Your fault. I shook my head. I can't keep talking to myself or people will think I'm weird. Moving on, I opening the door slightly before being pulled in. The door shut behind me and before I knew it, I was pinned to a wall.

Jay POV:

"What are you doing in here..?" I said. "I wanted to check on you." (Y/N) stated. I'm surprised they aren't scared. I remember doing this to Dan and he got too terrified. "Didn't Stephen and Hosuh warn you about coming into my room?" "They did but I ignored it." they said. "You should've taken their warnings, and now..." Before I could do anything, (Y/N) pinned me to the ground, hands behind my back. "You think you could take me on that easily?" they said. "Oh yeah?" Just before they could react I pinned them to the ground, their back to the floor and me on top of them. We were face to face before my face started to heat up. I got off them and covered my face. They looked up at me in shock on what had just happened. Their was was red too. "S-Sorry..." I said quietly. "I-It's all good." they said. I stood up and walked to (Y/N) and lend my hand. The grabbed my hand and got up. "I'm sorry for coming into your room..." they mumbled. "No, I'm sorry." I said. They hugged me and I hugged them back. We stayed like this for a while until they pulled away. "I'm going to go check on Dan, if you want to come you are more than welcome to." They said. "I-I'm good, I'd rather stay here." I said. They nodded and waved goodbye before they left. I was still thinking of the fight me and Dan had. I hope they don't suspicious of what's going on.

Dan POV:

After the fight me and Jay had, I stormed to my room and slamming the door shut. I ran to my bed and punched it multiple times. I could here Stephen, Hosuh and (Y/N) talking. (Y/N) said she was going to Jay to check on him but Stephen and Hosuh said that wouldn't be a great idea. They did it anyways and I haven't heard anything for them. I hope they're ok. A few minutes later I was going to take a nap until I heard footsteps coming to my room. Someone opened the door. I turned to face my door and saw (Y/N) staring at me. "H-Hey Dan?" They asked. "What." I said in an annoyed tone. "Don't give me that attitude Dan, I know your hurt and I can't to check on you." "I don't care." I said bluntly. "I can't believe I care about you..." they muttered. "What did you say?" I said. "Nothing." It got quiet. Too quiet. Is someone gonna say something? Am I supposed to say something? Are they supposed to say something? Questions kept filling it head until they said, "I can tell you have thoughts coming to your head and I think you need time. I will be with Stephen and Hosuh if you need anything." Are they seriously going to talk to Stephen? He doesn't even do anything on the channel! He just as useless as Jay. I hope they don't catch onto anything....
End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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