Confessions & Fist Fights

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“I don’t know if I like it,” Kailey tells me for the fifth time.

“For the fifth time,” I sigh. “There is nothing to like or dislike about it. We hung out one night, I slept in his guest room because it was three in the morning and then I went home the next day after he had already left for practice. Nothing happened, not that you’re thinking anyway.”

It’s true, nothing happened. After Patrick had finally answered my truth, I pretended to be too tired to keep playing. I wasn’t about to let him get me back for that question, and I didn’t trust that evil look on his face. I’ve been told I get a similar look before I do something I’m not supposed to. A lot of times it doesn’t end well.

“You were there until three in the morning,” she whisper yells. “The first time I hung out with Jonathan that long we ended up making out until the sun came up.”

I snort. “You two did a lot more than make out, if I remember correctly.”

She blushes brightly, and tries to sputter out a denial. I smirk when she can’t come up with anything plausible. There really is nothing, and I know it for a fact since two of the team members walked in on them. And then proceeded to tell everyone.

“But that’s exactly my point!” she doesn’t bother whispering this time, instead gesturing wildly with her drink and shouting. A few people look over at us, but most don’t find us that interesting.

“I think you’re done,” I say, taking the vodka and lemonade out of her hand. “I should have cut you off at two. You’re such a lightweight.”

“I am not!” she complains, thankfully at a normal volume. “You just have an uncanny ability to not get drunk easily. The rest of us weren’t born with this magical power you know.”

I laugh. I love my best friend, but she’s a total lightweight, and kind of a sloppy drunk. But, I have to give her this, she’s entertaining as hell.

“And like I said that’s exactly my point. There’s no way you two were together that long without doing something,” well she’s entertaining when she’s not lecturing me. I sigh again.

“Kailey I’m telling you nothing happened. It is possible for two people to hang out and not sleep together you know.”

“Well yeah but I mean ever since Kane and whatsherface broke up I guess he’s been sleeping around a lot.”

“And so as my best friend you had so little faith in me that you thought I’d jump into bed with him like some kind of slut?” Ouch, that doesn’t feel too great.

“No! That’s not what I’m saying!” she starts tearing up, and I mentally prepare myself for the breakdown. Kailey has this weird thing where she’s not one type of drunk. She’s all of them at once. Looks like we are about to hit the weepy stage of the night. “I just mean,” sniffle, sniffle. “That he can be very charming and I know he’s your favorite player and well,” the tears disappear and the blush is back. That’s new. “I know what I was like when I first met Jonny. I didn’t exactly wait very long before we did it. I just, kind of, thought maybe, you were just having fun, and it went a little too far.”

Off The Ice // A Patrick Kane FanficWhere stories live. Discover now