Introducing the Girl-Friend

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So, this is probably one of the most awkward moments of my life.

“You’re not Tazer’s girl,” Andrew Shaw says, confused. “So that makes you . . .”

“My girl,” an arm drops over my shoulders, keeping me from running as fast as possible past the wall of hockey players blocking my exit. Of course, I’m not going anywhere with my feet glued to the floor from shock.

The guys seemed shocked too. At least, if their synchronized eyebrow raises are any indication.

“No, really, who are you?”

I stiffen, insulted. What, just because I’m not five ten and rail thin I’m not good enough for Kane? Personally, I think five six and curvy is pretty damn good. So what if I’m not a carbon copy of his ex? Does that mean I’m not his type? No. Does that mean he wouldn’t date me? I seriously doubt it.

“Don’t get me wrong, Kaner here is great and all, but how the hell did he get a girl so far out of his league to date him?” Shaw laughs and the guys with him follow suit. Someone shouts from behind them to move their butts inside the house and then they all just pile inside, continuing to make fun of Patrick—who is blushing and holy hell is it attractive—as they walk past.

As soon as the guys are all inside the kitchen I shake myself free of his arm. “Care to explain that? Because I’m pretty sure that’s the second time you’ve called me your girlfriend without consulting me first.”

“Is being my girlfriend that bad?” he’s smiling as he asks but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I mean maybe you could consider not looking at me like I’ve just insulted you.”

I didn’t mean to seem like I was insulting him. Oops. “That’s not what I meant,” I tell him. “I just mean you keep springing this on me. If I’m going to be playing your girlfriend can you at least give me a little notice?”

He laughs nervously. “Yeah I guess I could do that.”

“Gee how generous of you,” I smile to take the sting out of my words. “Now if you don’t mind I’m going to head out before I have the chance to embarrass myself further.”

“What?” from the expression on his face you’d think I just said I was going to walk down through the airport naked. “You can’t leave.”

“Um, yes I can.” And I am. No way am I sticking around for this.

“I just told the entire team you’re my girlfriend. You can’t leave now.”

His logic doesn’t make sense to me. “You were kidding. I’m sure they know that. And besides I am not about to walk into the middle of that—” I gesture to the now noisy kitchen. “And be the awkward interloper.”

“You wouldn’t be the awkward interloper,” he says like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard. “You’d be totally welcome. The guys are super cool, come on. I’m sure they’d be thrilled to meet you.”

Off The Ice // A Patrick Kane FanficWhere stories live. Discover now