Violet Roses

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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
                         1 Corinthians 13:13


From the day you were conceived,
All my love to thee I gave.

From the day you were conceived,All my love to thee I gave

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Mr. Google says
'Violet means Love at first sight'

Today I want to tell you what's right.
My love for you  truly doesn't start
with that,
For before human lives start,
And the first twinkling of stars at night,
I've loved you long before the existed light.

To my beloved princess who loves violet,Receiving these roses surely you won't regret,Though I'm not Prince Ali who has a magic carpet,But for you I can paint on the sky a beautiful sunset

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To my beloved princess who loves violet,
Receiving these roses surely you won't regret,
Though I'm not Prince Ali who has a magic carpet,
But for you I can paint on the sky a beautiful sunset.

I don't have a genie who can give you special thing,
But nothing to worry,
I'm the source of everything.

I don't have a genie who can give you special thing,But nothing to worry, I'm the source of everything

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Beloved do you believe in FOREVER?


Please believe so 
For I'm willing to give it to you.
I'm not an ordinary lover,
I'm your Lord and Redeemer.
Sharing with my love I'll bring you to Forever,
Where I and you will live happily ever after.

A bouquet of roses from the Divine Lover (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now