Saving Yuno

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Y/n P.O.V~

I woke up in bed with a pounding headache. I groaned as I got out of my bed, and I saw something unusual on my nightstand. I noticed that my grandfather's puzzle was on the table, but there was a chain around the ring part where I guess you would put string so you could wear it around your neck. I stood up off my bed, and my feet touched something that wasn't the floor I looked down to see that my duffle bag on the floor.

Y/n:" That's odd. I don't remember bringing my duffle bag out."

I picked up my duffle bag and almost instantly noticed that it was relatively heavy. I opened the duffle bag and gasped in shock as it was filled with stacks of one hundred dollar bills. There must have been at least hundreds maybe thousands of stacks in there. I didn't know how I got this money or where it came from, but I was worried. Thinking back on it, I don't remember much of what happened last night. All I remember is coming home from working with Yuno on our science project and finishing the puzzle. I don't know anything else after that, but that much money could likely belong to someone very shady I quickly hid the duffle bag in my closet as I saw the time on my alarm clock it was almost time for school. I quickly got myself dressed, walked downstairs, made myself a piece of toast, and was about to walk out the door, but I felt something calling to me. Well, not literally, but in a way, I felt myself being drawn to something. I waltzed back up the stairs and looked at my grandfather's puzzle before putting it on around my neck like a necklace. I then walked out of the door and began to walk to school.

Yuno P.O.V~

I sat in my seat, thinking about Y/n. There was this warm feeling in my chest, and I felt excited to see him. I wanted to hug and protect him keep him all to myself. I couldn't explain why, but I felt almost like I needed him here. Y/n was not here yet, and I was worried about him. If he wasn't here in a few more minutes, I think I was going to crazy. Y/n then walked into the room and sat down in his seat next to me. The moment that Y/n walked in, it was almost as if my mood had brightened up just from seeing him, it was wired like how I was with Yuki. I then noticed that Y/n wore some large pendant shaped like a pyramid with an eye on the front of it.

Yuno:" Hey, Y/n, what's that?"

Y/n picked up the pendant holding it up.

Y/n:" This? This is the puzzle that my grandpa gave me. The one that I have been working on for five years now."

Yuno:" So, you finally finished it."

Y/n:" That I did."

I smiled and congregated him for finishing his project. Y/n smiled at me with closed eyes as he thanked me for the congratulations. I turned my head as I heard people talking very loudly about the future or something.

Y/n:" What's so important that they have to talk so loud."

Yuno:" Well, apparently, someone at the school is psychic, and they are giving people projections, and supposedly, they come true. For example, they predict that a kid's house would burn down, and it happened a week later."

Y/n:" I doubt that that was probably just a coincidence. Yuno, that psychic stuff is usually and forgive me for my language complete and utter bullshit."

Yuno:" It could be possible you don't know."

Y/n:" Yuno, almost all of the psychics I have met and or tried have been scammers and con artists."

Yuno:" Y/n come on. How about we go today after class it could be fun."

Y/n:" I don't know Yuno I don't want you wasting your money."

Yuno Gasai x Male reader x Ayano AishiWhere stories live. Discover now