an unfortunate reunion

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Ayano P.O.V~

I walked home on the lonely road thinking about Y/n. What I had done to him, I missed him so much. It was all my fault I had let myself be fooled into thinking that I had those feelings for Taro, but Y/n he is mine, and I will get him back. I will make everything better between us. I will have my Y/n in my arms as my lover. As I got closer to home, I realized that I most licky going have much luck finding my lover. I needed help. I would have to go to the person who would help me with this quest. As I walked into my home, I walked into the kitchen and went to the person I needed to talk too.

Ayano:" Mom, could you help me with something."

My mother stopped doing the dishes and smiled.

Mom:" Of course, what do you need help with?"

Ayano:" Could we talk about in my room. It's private."

Mom:" Sure."

My mother walked with me into my room as I sat on my bed.

Mom:" So, Ayano, what do you need your help with?"

I put my hands on my head as I spoke to my mother.

Ayano:" Mom, I screwed up."

Mom:" Ayano, what do you mean you screwed up."

I looked down as I told my mother the story of Y/n and me leading up intel this moment. Tears leaked out of my eyes; my mother hugged me.

Mom:" Oh, Ayano doesn't worry, I help you. After all, I do want you to find your senpai like I found mine."

I smiled as I hugged my mother and thanked her.

Y/n P.O.V~

I was waiting outside of the movie theater waiting for Yuno; she was running late, and the movie was going to start in a couple of minutes. I looked at my watch as I heard a very familiar voice call out my name.

Yuno:" Y/n!"

I turned my head to see Yuno running towards me wearing an outfit which consisted of a white T-shirt, a blue outer jacket and some black jeans with black boots.

Yuno:" Hey, I'm sorry I'm late."

Y/n:" It's no problem come in; we had better get to our seats."

Yuno and I went to the theater, picked up some snacks, candy, and drinks. We sat in our seats as the movie started. I reached into the popcorn bowl and, on accident, touched my hand with Yuno as her cheeks turned pink for some reason. I brushed it off as it was probably nothing.

*Two days later*

I was walking to hopefully managing to get on time for once as I walked on the sidewalk, I felt as if I was someone watching me. I turned my head and saw no one. I continued walking down the road as I got to school and saw Yuno entering school, opening the door.

Y/n:" Hey, Yuno, wait up!"

Yuno looked at me and smiled.

Yuno:" Y/n!"

Yuno let me threw the door and hugged me.

Yuno:" It's good to see you, Y/n."

Y/n:" It's lovely to see you, as well."

After we broke the hug, Yuno clung to my arm as we went to homeroom.

Y/n:" Are you okay, Yuno? You seem kingly."

Yuno:" Don't worry, I'm fine, Y/n~."

Y/n:" Okay?"

As we reached our class and put our stuff away, we sat in our seats and began to talk.

Yuno:" So how are you today, Y/n?"

Y/n:" I'm excellent, Yuno, how about you?"

Yuno:" Wonderful; thanks for asking."

Our conversation was stopped by our teacher speaking.

Ms.Yumi:" Good morning, class today; we have a new student transferring from Akademi high joining us. I expect you to treat her with the same kindness and respect you do to each other..."

A girl from Akademo high, I wonder who it will be? The door to the classroom opened, and I saw who it was. "N-n-no p-please no" Is all I could muster as I saw the girl that I had once loved: those beautiful dark eyes and black hair her body, her face it was her Ayano Aishi, my former best friend. My ears starting ringing as I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, and I looked down and my shaking hands. Yuno then put her hand on my shoulder as she spoke.

Yuno:" Y/n, what's wrong? Do you know that girl?"

Yuno's eyes widened as she put the pieces together as her pupils became smaller.

Yuno:" Is that the girl Y/n?"

I nodded as Yuno hugged me.

Yuno:" Don't worry, Y/n, she won't be able to harm you anymore."

Y/n:" Thank you, Yuno."

Ayano then sat next to me as she smiled and looked at me, not saying anything. The class went by very quickly when it was time for the lunch break I went to the bathroom, took a piss, and began to wash my hands. As I finished, I saw that Ayano was standing right behind me. I quickly turned around to only to be shoved to the wall with Ayano standing over me dominantly.

Y/n:" A-Ayano what ar-"

Ayano:" Take me back!"

Y/n:" What?"

Ayano:" Y/n, I want you back. I want you back as my friend and make everything better then it was before."

Y/n:" Ayano, you stabbed me. I don't know if there is anything you can do to make up for that."

Ayano:" I am going to make this better between us."

Y/n:" How?"

Ayano pressed herself against me as she forcibly kissed me.

Ayano:" You are my true senpai and will make you my boyfriend and husband."

I was going to speak, but I felt someone gazing at me. I turned my head to see Yuno looking at us as she screamed out.

Yuno:" How dare you taint my Y/n!"

Ayano:" I wouldn't call him your Y/n pink-haired slut."

Yuno:" Well, he ain't yours since you stabbed him."

Ayano let me out of her grip as she approached Yuno.

Ayano:" How about we settle this later we don't want my Y/n getting in the crossfire of our fight."

Yuno:" I agree, but he is mine. Not yours!"

Yuno and Ayano growled at each other as they left the bathroom.

Y/n:" What did I get myself into?"

I then realized that the two girls were going to attempt to kill each other. I had to stop them.

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Yuno Gasai x Male reader x Ayano AishiWhere stories live. Discover now