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The plan of cheating New's score was a great success, but for Tong, even if they didn't change his score, he would still be the guitarist. That's because the crowd was so engrossed with his performance that they focused on him from the beginning until the end.

And the fact that only New, out of all the auditionees, managed to do that made Tong believe that he's really suitable for the position. But he didn't know if it was because of New's looks or his lovely voice that got the attention of the crowd. In fact, Tong was quite impressed of Gulf's fiance, he thought that New was indeed a good looking man with a good body figure. He was proud of Gulf for setting good standards when choosing his partner.

When New and Kaownah arrived home after the audition, Kaownah's parents were waiting for them at the living room. The two didn't inform them that they would be coming back home a little late, so they were expecting a yell from Kaownah's parents for coming back home late at night. But instead of a yell, Kaownah's parents asked them right away about the audition, making them surprised.

Kaownah happily announced to his parents that New got the job and he would be working at the bar. Kaownah's parents were happy as well, they told the kids that they knew about it because Bosser talked to them earlier that day. And they also told New that he could work at the bar if that's what he really wanted. They thought that New should try doing something instead of keeping him at home or at the resort. Because of this, New thanked them and he also called Bosser right away to thanked the older.

Since Kaownah and Turbo had a schedule for there ongoing intership, New went to the cafe alone for him to start practicing with Run. When he arrived, he proceeded to the bar with Run to have their practice there.

Run and Mew were closed friends, so Run didn't have any problems when dealing with the older. But since he's facing a different kind of Mew at that time, he didn't know how to react with him and the fact that it was just the two of them inside the bar wasn't really helping him at all. New sensed that Run wasn't comfortable being with him because of Run's actions. He saw Run wanted to move the music sheet stand closer to him, but he was hesitant to do it, so New pushed it closer to Run instead.

"Are you okay?" New asked Run after sensing that Run was feeling uncomfortable. "Are you scared of me?"

Run remembered the time when Gulf introduced his boyfriend, Mew, to them for the first time. They were all scared because Mew have that intimidating look on his face. But when they got to know him, he was really kind and caring that's why their friend fell in love with him.

"I'm fine." He lied. "I was just worried. I might not do well in our practice. And you, you were really good last night."

"Actually, I very nervous last night." He laughed.

"Nervous or not, you still put on a great show." Run continued to compliment the older.

"Come on, it's okay." New gently tapped Run's shoulder to encourage him. "Let's help each other during practice, so that we can put on a great show together on our first stage."

Run slowly put on a smile on his face after the older's encouragement. He then sat on a bar stool and placed his tablet on the stand for New to see the chords and lyrics as well.

They started their practice by choosing songs on what to play. Just like New, Run had tried playing guitar before. So, if there were chords that New didn't know or it might be difficult for him, Run was always there to help him learn or correct it.

Tong and First exhibited their talent in cooking as they made cookies together. Tong planned on selling their homemade cookies instead of ordering it from their pastry supplier that's why he tried making it with First and let their customers tried it to get some feedbacks.

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