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Sunday 25th september

Dear diary my name is Ella and I am a swimmer. I LOVE swimming. Swimming is my life. I've done swimming since I was 5 and have never stopped since. I am in the silver squad at my swimming club ' Knutsford Knights' and they are talking of moving me up to the gold squad. In the gold squad they do loads of competitions and most of them make it to the Olympics.  I really want to go to the olympics and get in the gold squad thats why I train so hard. Up at 5am -go to school at 7am- go to training at 5-9pm. Sunday is my only day off. On sundays I relax. Today wasnt one of those sundays I got an email asking me to train really hard for the Olympics because the Olympic coaches need 3 more people to compete in the olympics because 3 have dropped out. My knight coach said thst they want to have a 1- 1 intiview with me tomorrow because he has told them how hard I train. Today seemed like it was the best day of my life. I am exited but nervous for tomorrow.

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