a lot sure does happen!

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Let's see...

A while back, Smol and poultry man helped me build my treehouse!

I built my entire platform for the treehouse all by myself but they stepped in to help the rest.

And then we were gonna make a camp fire and I was suPER careful on my way down from the treehouse by jumping off!
Super careful.

And we invited dad 2 aka jingle man for s'mores!!!

HmM, Not much more happened after that..
I've been spending most of my time giving flowers to wild animals.
And my favorite thing to do after I give them flowers is to invite them over to to my favorite tree!

We all usually eat grass but that's no fun so I just watch.

Very interesting I must say.

Oh!!! Out of the no where i started to bleed!!

Blood was running down my head and I think I was dying:D

and um... somehow poultry man knew- So he saved the day again!!!

I was quickly healed up but...
Was sadly turned into a chicken..
I wasn't happy but poultry man was so I was a little happier.

He told me that magic maker had lost her magic and there was a little mean voice in her head telling her to be rude and how to do magic!

So they took it away and she lost her magic, Including any magic in other people!

So I was dyInG, and got turned into a chicken.
I hope everyone else is okay now.

Poultry man and I went to go check on her and brought cookies!
She was a bit scared to see us at first and rEally wanted tea.

But poultry man wouldn't let her have tea and I felt bad.

She also cant walk. Which is sad.. :(

She would never be able to run again or walk with animals or even chase the butterfly's!!!!
That's horrible!

.. for a while longer I was a chicken.

A small chicken who cant do anything.
Not even fly.

Ooh azael did come to visit me! I tried hiding so she didn't see me but she found me.. -_-

She thought I was sO aDoRabLe.
I asked her to turn me back but- that did not work.

I got my head stuck in a mug aNd she turned me into a rooster!

And then a peacock, a duck, a monkey- the list goes on.

..I never did get to turn back :(

And thEN SHE DIED!!!!!

AzAeL dIeD when she left and I didn't know what to do-
So I ask poultry man to help!!!!!

But i couldn't tell him who we were going to

I... I did end up telling him because he wanted to carry me- uGh I hate being small.

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