Ch.1|Sleeping Prince

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The Dragon Head Conflict

A large-scale underground dispute between several syndicates, including the Port Mafia. Two years ago an ability user died, leaving behind five hundred billion yen's worth of dirty money. Illegal criminal organizations were close to extinction after the dispute, leaving around 88 or more dead. Few organizations, such as the Port Mafia, were left standing. Some of these organizations were taken over by larger ones.

One of these organizations in particular was known as The Black Rose. They were a small syndicate, yet known to have individuals with abilities so reckless that they could demolish a city. The members of the syndicate were either brutally murdered or captured to work for other organizations. The Black Rose in particular fell to its knees when their leader, (Y/N) was captured by the Port Mafia.


" Come on! Why the hell do I have to come with you?"
" Would you shut up?! This individual in particular was the leader of The Black Rose. The boss has been trying to capture any member of that organization, but he was particularly excited when he found out we caught the leader. His ability is quite irritating and it'd be a pain in the ass if I tried to talk to him while he activates it."

(Y/N) tugged at the chains that stopped him from escaping. They'd held him up by the wrists and ankles, chaining his body down so that he could barely move. " Oi! Wake up, rose boy!," a man with vermillion hair shouted at (Y/N), catching the boys attention. He wore a white t-shirt with a red tank and a black jacket over it. He wore a leather choker that was tied around his neck and to top it off, a fedora on his head.

(Y/N) grinned, moving his hand up in the air to stop the man from moving," Ability: The Waltz of Death." The redhead's body stopped moving, he was immobilized and couldn't even talk. (Y/N) chuckled," Come on. Live a little!" He moved his hand to make the man step from side to side choppily, one leg overlapping the other.

" Alright, that's enough.," the brunette behind him started laughing. He was covered from bandages from what seemed head to toe, only revealing his face which was still covered by another bandage and a patch on his cheek. He wore a black suit with a large coat that hung over his shoulders, his muddled hair layered over his face. He touched (Y/N)'s shoulder, stopping the ability that had an affect on the other man.

"I'll admit, you're quite the funny one. However, we need to bring you to Mori! I'll introduce myself, Dazai Osamu. I can nullify any ability no matter how strong by just a simple touch. That over there was Chuuya Nakahara, he's quite the feisty chihuahua.," the man said with an eerily happy smile on his face. " Shut up, you mackarel!," Chuuya retorted, dusting off his pants. Dazai seemed to be happy with the redhead's sudden outburst. " So you're the real deal, eh?," Dazai continued," The infamous (Y/N). The ability to look at someone and make them move to your leisure."

Chuuya walked over," We're bringing you to the boss, but don't try anything funny. It'll just be the three of us, but I can knock you out again if I need to. Just comply and then no one gets hurt." (Y/N) put up his hands, watching as Chuuya moved the ones of his ankles and took off the ones that were on his wrists. He put (Y/N)'s hands behind his back and tied them up with a rope.


The three approached an elevator, which they'd rid to the highest floor. The transparent windows were almost spotless, you could see the whole city view. The elevator doors soon opened, those on guard duty stood aside. (Y/N) had been upfront with his hands behind his back and both Dazai and Chuuya on his side. Dazai kept a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from activating his ability. The carpet on the floor seemed to almost disguise their footsteps in the long hallway.

The three soon approached large double doors. " Boss," Chuuya called out," We have who you wanted." The doors opened, revealing an older looking man sitting behind a desk. He had a quite eerie grin which ran from ear to ear. " Come in, you three...," he spoke, as they did as he'd said and took a few steps forward. " (Y/N), have a seat," he snapped his fingers as a chair was immediately put in the middle of the room by two runts. The boy took a seat in the chair, as his wrists were constricted by gauntlets on the arms.

" The hell...," he whispered under his breathe. He didn't say anything, but his face formed into a menacing glare. The man in front of him seemed quite familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. " Now, (Y/N). That's quite the fight you put up there a couple days back.," he said," Oh and I forgot to introduce myself. Mori Ougai, the Port Mafia don." Mori rested his head on his chin," Carrying a full army of the dead like a puppet master. I'm quite impressed. If you weren't found knocked out in front of a destroyed building, you would've died."

That day about a week ago, The Dragon Head Conflict. (Y/N) stood on a building as his colleagues fought others for that large amount of money in that city. He watched and observed as people began to violently blow up buildings and brutally murder each other. A couple hours towards the conflicts end, (Y/N) was found controlling the army of the dead. The dead bodies that littered the floor rose to their feet, doing the bidding of their puppet master, (Y/N). No one knew his true ability, and he always stood on a high ground to watch and observe. However, he was mysteriously found outside of a building that was about to explode with his body completely limp on the floor. That's when he was taken to the Port Mafia in chains.

" Anyways, I'll carry o-"
" I want answers," he spat, interrupting Mori's speech," Why was I knocked out and taken under the Port Mafia? What do you want with me? I don't seem to be of any importance to you." Mori grinned," You'll hear those answers if you please let me talk, dog." (Y/N) continued to glare, letting out a huff. " Now then," the older man continued," I'd like you to join the Port Mafia. If you really think about it, you're ability is quite useful to us. We have a certain ability user who has a power similar to yours. However, the mind control isn't to his own will and if anything it only caused destruction to those around us. It'd be great for them to know how to control it, but they're quite young and stubborn."

" ... and if I reject your offer?," (Y/N) groaned, rolling his eyes. Mori grinned, chuckling to himself," You two, if you'd leave the two of us alone." Chuuya and Dazai bowed, heading out through the double doors. As soon as they closed, (Y/N) sat in the uncomfortable silence. " It's not like you really have much of a choice, rose boy.," he said, the grin not leaving his face," (Y/N)." " What do you want?," the boy retorted, scoffing. " No one knows your last name, isn't that correct? Not even you do." " So what if I do, old man?," he yelled, feeling a little bit of fire in his chest," I'd rather keep it that way." " You also don't have any recollection of your own family life either."

(Y/N) struggled, trying to move forward from the chains on his wrist. " Something wrong, young boy?," Mori said," I haven't even finished what I was going to say." He got up from his seat, moving towards the boy. He pulled out a scalpel from his coat pocket and fiddled with it out of boredom. " You're mother truly did abandon you, didn't she?," (Y/N)'s eyes widened," I'll admit, you did grow up to be a handsome boy. She left me as soon as she had you and I'd heard that she left you at age 10 to rot in Suribachi City, until then you'd made up your own small gang." " If you really wanna know where you're fellow men are," Mori continued," They're dead."

(Y/N) gasped," How? I have the strongest men out of the gangs in this damn city. It doesn't make any sense. I don't even wanna be a part of this stupid mafia, even if you are my damn father." The older man looked back at the boy," I can agree, even I don't understand why you're gang died down. The Black Rose had extremely powerful ability users, from defensive to offensive abilities."

" However... you don't have anywhere else to go, now do you?"

The room fell silent, until it was interrupted by Mori's cackling. He soon calmed down," That's why you really have no other choice."

" Welcome home, son."


Evening~ dearest readers!

I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! ^^  I have so may ideas for this book, so don't ya worry. There will be ROMANCE (romance!), DRAMA (drama!), and more! But for now---

Goodnight! :)

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