My Hair

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My hair is all me. Nothing you can purchase or see somewhere else. I know for a fact its a girl. She is strong, she doesn't fall out when she is tugged at or buckle down under steam. Not coarse and brittle, but smooth and silky.My hair is beautiful like a woman of the free. She is both wild and well mannered. She is playful and sarcastic, yet also graceful and humble. When meeting new obstacles she does not give up, but strides through the circumstances with pride.She is well acquainted with the freedom of her being and nothing can deter her from it.

She loves to go out to play, but doesn't appreciate getting wet, especially in the pool. She dries up and gets really stiff, like school pants with too much starch in them. Its quite uncomfortable for the both of us. When dry, she can't do very much and being detangled doesn't get any easier. All she can do is just sit on top of my head, like a cloud without happiness.

I have big hair like a brown bear, when released from a ponytail it stands up, tall and proud. She isn't scared of things like the wind or water. When it comes to meeting the two she greets them with a laugh and frolics about her way, unmoved by their being. Some how she finds the ability to rejoice in times of sadness and still have the triumph to dance throughout happiness.

I sometimes see my hair as a Goddess, who has somehow seen it all and done it all and has just decided to stick with me for a while. I don't mind her doing so, in fact, it is almost like a gift. I learn a lot from my hair, working with her, tending to her needs, and merely listening to her rants. She talks an awful lot about freedom and how everyone is entitled to it. She believes it is unruly to be confined to another man's will and desire.She finds it unnecessary to set standards for who people should be and what knowledge they ought to have in order to have the mere right to express themselves, maybe even be heard. I see her point. I understand what she means and she means it for me to understand.

My hair is willing to listen, but also knows it is her choice to comply. I don't know her full past, and I don't believe it is any of my business to know nor would it suit me a great deal to obtain this information. Maybe she has been traveling through loopholes and timezones, jumping out when she is bored. Maybe she chose me because I intrigue her. If this is the case I consider myself lucky.

Not a lot of people have hair like me. In fact, I've never met another chick with hair this thick. You say otherwise ? Well honey does her hair shine like mine ? Does it speak the way mine can ? Does it feel like silk in your hand ? Can it withstand the toughest conditions or does it need a little addition ? At the end of the day my hair is the best in its own way. It doesn't need to be blonde and me and my roots have our own special bond that glue and tracks can not deter.

My hair does not care about society does and don'ts. My hair doesn't need to be sewn in just to see if it will have grown in. It didn't come from India or Peru and it can fit in any special do. I don't need someone else hair to feel complete, because my hair is all me.

Tracey Leiloni RiversonWhere stories live. Discover now