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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahamaaner Raheem.
All praises due to Allah Subhan wa ta'ala who made the heaven and the Earth and created the Creation, and who gave us the faculties of hearing, seeing, perception and sensation, and unites us from different tribes and Races to make us An Ummah, One Nation, and gave us day and night in perfect Alternation, and created The Sun and The Moon in perpetual rotation, and revealed to us Qur'an Guranteeing its Preservation, and sent to us A Prophet to Be a Paradigm of Emulation and gave us our Shari'ah to be a source of Legislation, and bless us with the Kalimah as our solid foundation, He is the King Of Kings on the Day Of Judgement and Ressurrection, May he sent salat and Salam upon our prophet Muhammad(saw) The Owner of The Praise Worthy Station, Glory be to him for All that is in the Heavens and Earth, Bows to him in Prostration.

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