Under The Trees Once Again

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Scourge pov-

Me, Ash Fur, Amber and Feather were sitting in the sun just chatting about clan things and my kits warrior training, "Amber! Feather! Get ready, you're going on a patrol with me and Mei!" Sabbath shouted, "OK!" Amber and her sister hopped up and followed Sabbath to where I ordered them to hunt that day, "So, about what Fire Star said regarding gatherings," My mate started, "What about it?" "He said that you are allowed at any gathering from now on right? And Blood Clan can come with right?" Ashy was correct, "What are you getting at?" I asked, "The clans have a gathering tonight, do you wanna go? With me and the kits I mean." "That's a good idea, sure." I nodded, "But before then, wanna go somewhere? I'm sure the kits wont mind being alone for a while when they get done with patrol." "Sure." I nodded, we then walked through the forest then to clan territory, "Wanna tell me where we are going?" I hissed playfully, "I wanted to go back to that waterfall, since it was romantic and shit." Ash Fur grinned, "Alright." I chuckled and we crawled through the tunnel that lead to the waterfall. Eventually we made it to the beautiful flowing waterfall that was splashing water on us from where we were standing, "I love you." "I love you too." I purred, me and Ash Fur started to cuddle with each other and after a while of silence I decided to speak, "Wanna go relax in the water?" I pointed my tail to the water, "Is that even a question?! Of course!"  (Yes ik hes not from RC but he can still like being in water anyway) I felt weak when seeing my mates smile, "You're too cute!" I mewed when me and Ash Fur got into the water, "You're cuter." Ash Fur said, kissing me on the lips, I blushed, "See? You are the cutest cat I've ever met." Ashy purred. I laughed then sneakily with my tail splashed some water on his face, "Hey!" Ash Fur squeaked, "Haha!" I laughed off my ass, "So that's how you wanna play?" Ashy grinned, I tilted my head, then a few seconds later I got water splashed in my face, then before I knew it we were in a full water fight

Ash Fur pov-

I haven't had this much fun in moons! "Hey what time does the gathering start?" Scourge asked, pausing from splashing water at me, "In a few hours we're good." I said splashing water in Scourges face again, "What is going on down here!?" A voice from the back of the cave called, me and my black pelted mate sat up, "Who's there?" I hissed, "I recognize that voice, Ash Fur?" The voice came closer till I could see the figure clearly, well at least an outline. But I could tell from the scent it was Cloud Tail.. Even though he was the stronger cat and could rip Cloud Tail to shreds, out of instinct I put Scourge behind me to protect him, again that's not needed but I didn't want anything to happen to him, The outline came closer, then I could fully see my adopted brother's white pelt and blue eyes thanks to the light the water brought in, also thanks to the holes in the caves roof,  "What are you doing here?" I hissed, "You're in our territory we should be asking questions." Dust Pelt mewed as he came out of the shadows, "We were just chilling here, we ain't even doing shit." "Then why are your pelts drenched in water?" Cloud Tail asked, "We were in the water you dumb ass." Scourge growled tilting his head so he could see from behind my back, "We were leaving anyway." I mewed, I threw Scourge onto my back and walked out of the cave, "Why did you-" "Because you seemed tired." I purred. Soon we made it back to Blood Clan and went to our den where Amber and Feather were talking about their training and the patrol they went on. Eventually after Scourge got up we had an hour to get to the gathering, it took 30 minutes to get from here to Four trees, so we had time. After explaining what was going on to the kits we started walking to the gathering, eventually we agreed to let Flame go, upon Amber's request though. So we also brought Bone and Brick because why not?

Scourge pov-

We made it to Four Trees with Ash Fur at my side, Bone and Brick behind us and Amber and Feather who were next to Ash Fur talking to Flame. We got many gasps from the group of cats who saw us walk up, "What are you cats doing here?" Fire Star growled, "You were the one who said Blood Clan was welcome at any gathering they wanted to attend." I stated calmly, "He's right I did say that.." Fire Star sighed and let me up onto a largish rock they put for me since the last gathering we went to, "Thunder Clan has grave news to share about this moon. For starters, we have learned that the reason behind Fern Clouds death is because Ash Fur killed her-" I cut him off, "Bull Shit! I helped with that also." Which caused my clan to laugh, "Anyway, we have exiled Ash Fur for the safety of our clan and the rest of the forest." Fire Star took a breath, "Tall Star you said you wanted to speak after me, you can speak now if you wish." Tall Star nodded at Fire Stars words, "Not much has happened in Wind Clan, but we did spot two lost kits in our territory." "What did they look like?" I asked. At that question Black Star, the Shadow Clan leader, glared at me, "Wait till hes done talking." Black Star hissed under his breath, "No, no Scourge can ask questions, its fine." Tall Star let out a soft grin, 'Dad must have done something to get this cat to treat me with some respect.' I thought, 'After all he is the leader of one of the 2 clans who didn't side with us during the battle for the forest.' I tucked my tail around my paws as I listened to the long-tailed black and white pelted warrior that my father admired so damn much, "One of the cats was black with dark red spots on her body which we learned were not blood. Then the second cat had strange dark purple stripes on her pelt which I have never seen on a cat before." "Oh OK thanks, I guess." I mewed, "No problem Scourge." Tall Star said and gave me permission to speak since Shadow Clan and River Clan had already spoke, "Well, unlike Thunder Clan we had a good past moon," I chuckled and went on with the flame pelted Thunder Clan leader giving me a death glare, or at least he tried to give me a death glare, to be honest he looked like he had the face of a kit who didn't get chicken to eat that day, "Ash Fur has joined Blood Clan and is living happily in my clan, unlike SOME CLAN NAMED AFTER THUNDER!" I rolled my eyes then looked at Fire Star when I said the last part of my sentence. Blood Clan laughed, "Back to normal Blood Clan stuff, Bone and Brick had a new litter of kits. In fact I brought Bone and Brick with me, with their daughter Flame." A few cats cheered for the three cats, soon the whole gathering joined in the cheer except for a few salty Thunder Clan cats and Fire Star because that tom likes to hold a grudge against me, "Me and Ash Fur also adopted two cats, their names are Amber and Feather." I held up my tail for silence then spoke my final words before stopping my part of speaking, "And I know who their real parents are so if you are here step on up here. Lets not make your death harder then it needs to be." I whispered the last sentence so only I could hear it but I knew Blood Clan knew what I was doing. Eventually the gathering was dismissed, Bone, Brick and Flame went back to Blood Clan but me, my mate, Amber and Feather stayed behind and talked to Tall star and Jake for a while.

Ash fur x Scourge remakeWhere stories live. Discover now