Where's The Snow?

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Ash Fur pov-

Leaf Bare came quick, the season anyway. The typical snow and ice hadn't come yet though. (Global warming is a bitch ain't it? xD) I didn't mind it though, it was actually quite nice. The clans got more prey then we normally would in leaf bare. Thunder Clan was fine with it but Wind Clan was ecstatic though, since winter normally hits the moor living clan the hardest. Any way, what am I doing right now? I am on a hunting patrol, but I'm also doing a border patrols job since the other cats didn't mark the borders yesterday. I was done marking all the nearby borders though so I was just focusing on hunting at the moment. I was near the center of the forest in Thunder Clan territory, I never hunt near here so I don't know what type of prey lives in the area but I would assume birds most likely. I scented something, I then dropped into a hunters crouch and crept forward, then I saw a rat it was rather plump, again not normal for leaf bare but I'm not complaining. I slowly walked forward, still in a hunters crouch. Then the rat started to move away from where I was, 'Goddamn rat! Stay still dammit!' I thought angrily then the rat stopped to eat something that I didn't see but I don't care about the rats choice in food. I crept forward and when I was close enough I pounced on the rat and killed it with a swift bite to the neck. I thanked Star Clan and went back to camp after grabbing the crow I caught prior.

Scourge pov-

I was relaxing in Blood Clan, in my normal spot atop a pile of bones when I heard my name being called, "What do you need Ice?" I sighed as I was interrupted from trying to sleep. Ice padded forward he sat down a bone down as his offering to me before he started to speak, "So you know how you had to stay in Barley's barn that one night after you killed Ash Fur's sister?" Ice started, "Yeah, what of it?" I wonder where this is going, "Does he trust you now?" Ice asked, "Yes I would guess so." I nodded my head, "So, we could kill his sister without any issues." Ice had a grin on his face, "But how would we get her to a place where we could kill her without a issue? I highly doubt Barley would like to go visit his sister just to see his sisters corpse in the two legs yard." (Yes Scourge knows what yards are screw you.) "I didn't think about that." Ice sighed, "Come back to me when you actually have a fully built plan you dumb ass." I hiss, "Yes sir." Ice waved his tail in a scared motion and left. 'Why is every cat here so dumb?' I thought and chuckled, "Hey didn't you say you were gonna see Ash Fur soon?" Bone asked, "Yeah why?" I turned to him, "You said that like an hour and a half ago. You really should start heading his way." Bone was right! Oh shit! I hopped up, without a word of who I was gonna leave in charge or anything I just bolted for Thunder Clan territory and I was there quicker then I expected.

Ash Fur pov-

I was talking with my brother, Bright Heart and Dust Pelt, "Hey Ash Fur where do you think Fern Cloud is? I haven't seen her for about a moon.." Dust Pelt had a sad tone to his voice, 'Oh shit!' My head was screaming responses at me when I just simply said, " I don't know I wonder if she ran away from the clans or got exiled without the clan knowing or something like that." 'Please don't ask any other questions..' I silently pleaded, "I guess that could happen, I just hope nothing bad happened to her, she is my sister after all." Cloud Tail added, "Yeah.." Holy shit that was awkward. Me and my siblings kept talking when I saw Scourge come into camp I ran up to him and playfully tackled him, "Scourge!" I grinned, "Aw, did you miss me that much?" My mate laughed, "Mhm." I purred as I got off the smaller black tom, we were walking to the warriors den to just talk alone since every other cat was talking outside, "So whats been going on while I was out?" Scourge asked, "Dust Pelt asked where Fern Cloud was since shes been dead for a moon." I sigh, "Well what did you tell them?" Scourge questioned, "I said that she ran away or she got exiled without the clan knowing." I laughed at how stupid that answer is, "Why are you laughing?" Scourge chuckled, "I just realized how dumb of a answer that was." I snickered, "Heh." Scourge laughed along with me, "Ash Fur! You won't believe what I just saw!"

Ash fur x Scourge remakeWhere stories live. Discover now