Hot Chocolate

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One night, it was just one night, louie kept telling himself. Louie has always hated being alone, but this night he NEEDED his brothers to be with him.

The Duck family had defeated Lunars a couple hours ago, but all the kids were still way too scared to sleep alone. Webby of course went with her granny, Dewey with their mom, and Huey with Uncle Donald.

Louie unfortunately didn't have anyone.

Even if he would've been slightly uncomfortable being with Uncle Scrooge, he was still better then no one. Unfortunately for him Scrooge was on the other side of the world solving problems the moon people caused.

Beakly was definitely out of the question, even though Louie loved her (way more than he'd ever admit), he'd never push his problems on her. Even though Louie's absolutely sure his mom would not have minded comforting her other son, he just not ready for that. After all that happened (if you want to be apart of this family you gotta stop) Louie didn't know if he wanted to be around her just yet.

And that left uncle Donald.

Throughout most of Louie's life he as felt like burden, especially when it came to his fears or problems. Uncle Donald was already comforting Huey, why add the burden of the family? So here Louie was curled up in the top bunk, trying to suppress his tears (While failing to do so), and clutching Dewey's pillow (which he stole before climbing into Huey's bunk).

Normally if Louie was having a mental break down his brothers would make a triplet sandwich and comfort him, vise versa. They're not their so the bed and pillow where the closest thing he could get.

He hated this, he hated this so much. Why am I such a baby? Louie thought trembling, as he tried to stuff his tear stained face deeper into the pillow. If only Louie could be stronger. He could be in his own bed sleeping the night away-or more accurately playing games on his phone because he doesn't have the ability to sleep, with no worry's.

But no, he wasn't strong. Louie was even to scared to grab his phone and listen to music.

Suddenly he remembered something.

When ever Louie was scared or had a nightmare when he lived one the house boat, Uncle Donald would always make him hot chocolate to calm him down. Louie of course knows how to make it. He has watched Uncle Donald do it to many times.

The only problem was that he didn't want to leave the room. Louie juggled the two options in his head before deciding to go make the hot chocolate.

Louie crept down the ladder and out his room, but not before grabbing his sword he got from Toth-ra as a extra precaution.

He was silently making his way down the hallway before Louie realized he was going the wrong way. Louie was about to turn around when he heard a thud from Uncle Scrooge's room. Oh shit. Louie thought staring at Uncle Scrooge's door eyeing it as if the door would open up and swallow him hole.

Louie DID NOT want to go in Scrooge's room, but the nagging feeling that the beagle boys or Glomgold could be in his uncle's room pushed him to walk twords the door. After all their not that hard to beat.

Especially Glomgold.

And even if he couldn't defeat all of them on his own he could just scream for his family (like always). Each step Louie took his legs felt like jelly and also felt very heavy.

 He quietly opened the door, ready to swing his sword when his jaw dropped at who Louie saw.


Goldie turned around and lowered her fists at seeing who walked in the room. "Sharpie? What are you doing in Scroogies room?" Goldie asked while pushing down Louie's Khapesh.

Hot Chocolate~Louie and Goldie one shotWhere stories live. Discover now