Chapter 1: The Three Girls People Don't Know

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Down in the small town of Dorsendale, there are three girls. These girls, they are different from others. No, they aren't supernatural, they are just very quiet. They all share a dark past, causing them to become quiet and unknown. If you ask someone "Do you know Brooke Ashley, Cassidy Keay (K), or Rebekkan Nicole?" They will go "Who?" These girls aren't known very well, only a few have met them. They live in the country side of Dorsendale, near the forest. They are orphans, and this is where their dark past comes from. Their parents, all passed at the same time, in the same accident. A car accident. Ever since then, they became quiet. They don't utter a word to a stranger or a teenager. Unless they really have to. These girls, are the girls people don't know.

"NOOO!!! Go away haha!" Rebekkah screamed as her two best friends chased her around the field. Brooke and CC (Cassidy) have their hands outstretched, chasing her to tickle her. Rebekkah tripped being the normal clutz she is and Brooke pinned her down. CC tickled her stomach.

"Hahahaah..stop...haha.I-I can't breath!!" Rebekkah laughed. Brooke and CC laughed and let her go. They all sit on the soft summer grass, catching their breath. They all look similar, but a little different. Rebekkah is 5'6, slim, has mud brown waist length hair, and hazel eyes. CC is 5'6, slim, has light brown waist length hair, and hazel eyes. Brooke is 5'6, slim, light brown with blonde waist length hair, and light blue eyes. Their attitudes are about the same, and they act like sisters.

"So, school starts again tomorrow. You guys excited?" CC asks. Rebekkah and Brooke look at her and give her you-jus-seriously-asked-us-that look. CC laughed at the look.

"Oh, we are ecstatic! Can't you see me jumping up and down with glee!" Brooke said with sarcasm.

"Sorry! I can't, your body is transparent to me!" Rebekkah teased. Brooke shot her a glare, then the three all burst out laughing.

"Oh, i wait to go back to the hellhole called school!" Brooke said. CC and Rebekkah nodded their heads in agreement.

"Oh! I can't wait to see the three assholes too!" Rebekkah remarked sarcastically. CC and Brooke knows she is referring to Ash Wyler, Luke Hemlock, and Tanner Davidson. The jocks and playboys of the school, or to them, the idiots.

"Are we going to say anything this year?" CC asked. All the years since their arenas died, they haven't said a word to anybody except their teachers.

"Nah, let's just stay quiet until we really need to speak. We only have spoken a few times to the idiots." Brooke exclaims.

"Well, we better be getting back to the house." Rebekkah says looking at her iPhone. The three got up from their sitting places and walked over to the horses they rode to the field. They mounted their saddles and galloped to the house the ranch where they borrowed the horses.

"Thanks Blake!" CC yelled as the three girls dissappeared running in the forest to their house. Blake waved at the three descending girls, he is one of the few people who know them. They three girls were walking and laughing until they hear something.

"Did you hear that?" A masculine voice said.

"Run!" Rebekkah whispers. The three girls dashed through the forest towards their house. They hear heavy footsteps pounding behind them, getting closer and closer.

"We don't have time to go through the front. He will have to climb the vines!" CC said. The three girls scrambled up the vines on the side of the house and slipped through their open windows. They shut the windows and locked every entrance to the house. They switched all lights off to remove any hints of life inside the building. They peeked through the window and saw the last three people they would ever want to see. The three idiots, Luke, Ash, and Tanner. They looked around then dissappeared back into the woods. The girls sighed in relief then decided to go to sleep and wait for a new day.

-next day-

"GUYS WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Rebekkah yelled. The three girls rushed around getting ready. Rebekkah has a white tank top, black skinny jeans, a black beanie, and black skater shoes on. Her hair is down and straightened. Brooke has a green tank top on with black yoga pants and green skater shoes. Her hair is in a ponytail. CC has a light blue tank top, blue skinny jeans, white skater shoes, with her hair in a braid and a SnapBack hat. They rushed out of their house and to the bus stop. They reached the bus stop just as the bus got there. The piled in and plopped in their seat, letting out a sigh of relief.

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