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Charlie munched on her food as Will and Aaron chatted

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Charlie munched on her food as Will and Aaron chatted. Since no one was talking to her she was just focused on her food. "Have you been recognized yet," Will asked.

"Huh? Oh, not yet. Usually happens in Houston if anything. Most people don't recognize me unless I'm on the track or in my gear."

"Don't sell yourself short. You're the only female racer on that podium."

"Enough about racing Will. Are you on the night shift again?"

"I am."

"Great. Then you could help me show Aaron a good time."

"I am not helping you speed on the highway again. The last time you drove a police car you were gunning 120."

"It was 130 but who really cares. It was a police car and it was open road."

"Just how many laws have you broken," Aaron asked.

"You don't want to know," Will assured him. "You really don't want to know. As a lawyer you do not want to know."

"You're a lawyer?" Charlie was not surprised by the revelation. If anything she saw that one coming.

"I used to be a prosecutor."

"Great. Then I'll call you if I need legal representation."

"As long as you don't make it a habit," He cautioned.

Will receive a text. "Sorry but I've been called in. I'll make sure to ask for time off when you make the drive from Phoenix to Talladega."

"Will do. I am definitely looking forward to Talladega this year."

"Didn't you crash last year?"

"I did not, the asshole that was Clint tried to break too early and lost control. That damn idiot wrecked my car and took out three more in the process. He has zero natural instincts and is still the favorite."

"Well you beat him at Daytona and that's all that matter," Will stated. "Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do."

As soon as Will left Aaron said, "I am still clueless to the language that is NASCAR."

"It's not that hard really. There are a few tracks that are more loved than others. I personally love Talladega. I've championed that race many times but last year I was out of the race because of a crash."

"So it's safe to assume Clint Adams is indeed on the list."

"Absolutely. The crowd was furious. They expected a different race than what they got." She laughed. "I say no more talk about racing but I can't help myself. So tell me more about yourself?"

"What is there to say? I've already told you about my younger brother Sean, the fact that I have no love life or interesting hobbies, and that I'm a workaholic," he replied. "I'm not that mysterious."

Under Pressure // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now