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"Okay let's start the universe do you have any questions" rex said

"Yes what this universe about?"weiss asked.

"Well this universe ruby is a famous hitman that killed people for money but was captured by a vigilante called batman and arrested she in prison and is going to be part of a squad called suicide squad that only contains villains" zen said

"I'm a hitman in this universe and I killed people" ruby said shocked

"Yep and you never missed a shot" rex said

People was shocked that she was a hitman and that she never missed a shot

"Okay let's started" rex said

The scenes shows guns on a table we then hear jaune voice say "alright unlock her" and it shows a older ruby in a orange jumpsuit with a older Cardin, older jaune with a beard and Russel with other armed guards

"What?" Cardin questions jaune

"you heard me" jaune replies

"Do you know what this lady can do" Cardin said pointing at ruby.

"Wow ruby looks a lot older in this universe" Blake said

"Yeah how old is she" yang asked

"Well she is 38 in this universe" rex said

"Look jaune you have a beard" Nora said

"I can see that Nora" jaune said

"Wait what Cardin doing here" yang said

"Well Cardin is the head correctional officer and still a asshole in this world" Rex said.

"I'm here to find out, lose the restraints" jaune said

Cardin then gestures Russel to unlock ruby restraints Russel complies and unlocks her restraints

"That shocking Cardin actually listened to jaune without him having to protect or threaten him" yang said.

"Why though?"Weiss asked

"Well you will find out just watch" Rex said

The screen shows the guns once again

"What's this, uh..."

It shows ruby looking at jaune

"Cheerleading tryouts" ruby said

"Let's go. Let's see what you can do, they say you never missed a shot"Jaune said

It shows winter looking at ruby with a neutral expression

"Woah ruby is using sarcasm" yang said.

"So even jaune know that ruby never misses a shoot" Weiss said.

"Wait is that winter" Weiss said

"Yes it seems like it but why am I there" winter asked

"Just keep watching you see" Rex said.

"Prove it" jaune said

Ruby walks to the guns while looking at Cardin ruby picks up a gun and lift it up into the air ruby then grabs mag and loads it into the gun

"Mm-hmm"ruby hums

"Now you got one in the chamber. What'cha going to do with it" jaune asked

Ruby turns and points the gun at Cardin
"Hey" jaune shouts. "Shit" Cardin said.

"Well that backfired didn't it" Qrow said

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