How you met

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-You were at the playground with your little sister when she started playing with another little boy
-the boys brother came up to you
-"h-h-hey, our si-si-siblings seem to g-gu-get along"
-"yeah they do! Haha!"
-"w-wu-what's your name?"
-"y/n, yours?"
-you talk about your love of drawing ✍🏻

-At the park
-you were feeding birds with breadcrumbs
-a boy sits next to you and watches the birds
-you offer him some crumbs so he can feed them too
-once you're out, you make conversation
-"hey, what's your name?"
-"Stan, what's yours?"
-you bond over birds 🦢

-At the arcade
-you beat a high score in Pac-Man
-Richie heard you and looked over from his game
-he was impressed
-and you were CUTE!
-"hey good job, I'm Richie, high score for street fighter!"
-you shake his hand
-"y/n, high score for pac man."
-y'all clicked 👾

-you were at the pharmacy because you were picking up your medication (if you have an ailments)
-but on the way there you scraped your knees pretty badly
-buys some bandaids while you're at it
-a short boy spots your horrendously scraped knees
-offered to clean them up for you
-while he does that, you guys talk
-"oh my god! This was going to get infected if you didn't let me take care of it!"
-"thanks, um...?"
-"y/n" 🩹

-running from Henry and is gang
-ran in a barn
-you thought it was empty
-"hey, are you okay?"
-"I'm sorry, I thought this place was empty, I was running from someone."
-"Henry Bowers."
-"oh, I know him, you can stay here until he's gone, if you'd like?"
-"yes! Thank you..."
-"mike hanlon"
-"y/n l/n"
-you got to pet some sheep :D 🐑

-at school
-you two were in history together
-paired up for a project on Derry History
-you two decided to go to his house to work on it
-boy oh boy was this boy prepared
-y'all ate some snacks while working on it
-you guys got sidetracked after a while
-new kids on the block listening!
-"hey y/n, do you want any chips?"
-"heck ya I want some, Ben!"
-you guys got an A on that test 📝

-you were at the mall
-you were looking at a cute shirt/dress
-went to grab money out of your wallet
-all of your coins fell out
-you were picking them up
-then you touch hands with ✨her✨
-"here you go"
-"I'm Beverly, who are you?"
-"my name is y/n" 👗 👕

Hope you like this! Comment suggestions too! ❤️💞❤️✨-Author

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