Chapter 4

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AN: Warning for this chapter! The scene can be considered rape to some, it is definitely not consensual to both parties. You can skip this chapter if you want. You have been warned.

Tom's hands were everywhere in a matter of seconds. One was wrapped tightly around him pulling him close and the other was up his shirt running fingers over his skin. Harry's hands were likewise busy, clutched tightly in Tom's dark locks, pulling him closer. His wand lay forgotten at his feet.

Neither of them could even begin to understand what was happening. First, they were at each other's throats trying to kill each other and now Harry was lying underneath Tom on the magnificent bed, kissing each other like no tomorrow.

Wait? When did that happen? Harry thought frantically. Stop! Stop! What am I doing?!

He tried to move his arms to push him away, they wouldn't budge. He tried to move his mouth away, which was currently occupied by Tom's tongue, but he couldn't. No matter how he tried he couldn't move. Well, he could move, but it was like someone else was in control of his body. He was an observer in his own body, and what made it worse, he was enjoying it.

He tried to reason with himself that it was just his hormones acting up, he wasn't really enjoying this. There was no way. It was a spell he was under. But it still didn't make sense. Why was Tom doing this? Tom hated him, and the feeling was mutual. And when the hell did he become Tom? This was Voldemort! Vol-de-mort, get it, straight Potter, he thought but his thoughts were starting to get all jumbled together.

Again he tried to reason. Voldemort was old; he probably hasn't been laid in a while. This is probably the most action he's had in years.

...wait. Th-then that would mean...

"No..." he whimpered as Tom started attacking his neck. "S-Stop...why...?"

Tom lifted his head with an effort and looked at Harry beneath him, lust and fear in his green eyes, "Can't" he whispered huskily and leaned down to capture Harry's lips again.

That was when he realized that Tom was having the same problem. They had no control over their actions. They could do nothing but give in. But he didn't care! Voldemort was the smarter one, the stronger one. He should be able to stop. Why wasn't he stopping?

Harry leaned back against the pillows as his body gave in to its desires, he had no choice in the matter, it was not obeying him. The only indication that he did not want this, was the tears gathering in his eyes.

Feeling Harry relax Tom started to eagerly unbutton Harry's shirt to reveal the tanned skin beneath. He slid his hands down the soft flesh and leaned down to capture a pink bud into his mouth.

Harry gasped and arched his back upward and tightened his grip on Tom's hair. Never had he felt anything like this, it was almost enough to drive him over the edge. But it wasn't nearly enough. His body was on fire and he wanted more. His hands blindly groped for Tom's shirt and started to unbutton it, making a few of them fly off in his haste.

Tom released his nipple and tore the shirt off and flung it aside throwing Harry's shirt along with it. Harry allowed his fingers to trail over Tom's shoulders and down the toned muscles of his back, feeling how they moved when Tom shifted around.

Tom grabbed the roaming hands and pinned them above Harry's head with one hand while the other went down toward his jeans. In three seconds flat, Harry's pants and boxers were stripped off, leaving him exposed in all his glory.

Harry had enough sense left in him to blush as Tom's gaze seemed to see straight through him.

Harry groaned in delight as hands slid up his thighs and slowly and gently cupped him. Heat pooled in his lower stomach and quickly spread, steadily getting hotter and hotter until it felt like he was burning. He arched his hips and let his legs fall open, "T-Tom," he whimpered, "Hurry!" What exactly he needed to be hurried he had no idea, but Tom seemed to know.

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