Chapter 31

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The following weeks after Harry's revelation were full of blunders and blushing, at least on Harry's part. Tom remained blissfully ignorant of what was going on inside Harry's head, though he tried to pry it out of him unsuccessfully. It wasn't like Harry could just tell him; he had no idea how Tom would react, hell, he didn't know how to react. It just hadn't seemed real.

He had come home from Ron and Hermione's place and had been in complete denial about the whole thing. It just wasn't possible, Tom was a Dark Lord, and not any Dark Lord, THE Dark Lord Voldemort, the one who had been trying to kill him, who had killed his parents! But that line of thought didn't work; Harry had long since separated them into two people, Tom Riddle and Voldemort, it helped when he was continuously sleeping and living with the man. So trying to put them back into one person didn't make the feelings he felt go away. If anything, it made it all the more pronounced, and the more he denied it the more it became obvious and thus it made him self-conscious.

Whenever they were in the same room, Harry found himself watching Tom, whether he was playing with Wynter or just sitting there reading the newspaper his heart would flutter erratically in a way that wasn't normal. And when they made love! Merlin, it was like his heart would burst out of his chest, he would turn his head away, afraid Tom would see it on his face. It wasn't that he hadn't felt it before, but he would just pass it off as nothing special, that he was just happy that Wynter was happy. Yet Harry no matter how he denied it, he eventually admitted it. He was in love with Tom.

Just what to do about it, he had no idea.

"It's not like I can just tell him," Harry muttered to himself as he chopped vegetables on the counter. He had never told anyone that he loved them before, nor had he been told, but that's because he had a crap childhood. Same with Tom, but he was sure he had been confessed to before, possibly gone out with some because they were convenient to him...that sounded about right. Ah, speak of the devil, he thought as the front door opened to reveal the object of his thoughts.

"Hi," Tom said as he shed his outer robe.


"Where's Wynter?" he asked as he planted a kiss on Harry's forehead in greeting.

Harry gestured with his head to the dining table and Tom looked at him curiously before walking over and looking under the table. Underneath he found his daughter quietly playing with her toys when she saw him her face brightened.

"Da-dee!" She exclaimed and crawled out under a chair where she was picked up.

"What are you doing under there?"

"She's been under there pretty much all day," Harry answered, "Not that I'm complaining, she's been keeping herself occupied and not getting into anything for once."

"I see. Staying out of Mama's hair?" Tom asked her.

"Mama," Wynter said pointing to her mother.

"That's right, and how about me?" he asked sitting down on the couch with her.

Wynter framed his face with her small hands and gave him a kiss, "Da-dee," she said happily.

"That's right."

It had taken a little while for Wynter to get it right, even then, she still had to say it slowly or she would revert to her usual 'Dedee.' Tom was overjoyed with the progress.

"Pay?" Wynter asked.

"You want to play?" Tom asked her.


"What do you want to play?

"Da-dee!" she exclaimed and pressed her face to his, giving happy giggles when Tom rubbed his nose against hers.

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