The Other Girl in New Orleans

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"I need to find Cami!" Juliet rolled her eyes as she laid back on her new bed in the Mikaelson Compound as she was tired of watching him pace back and forth, metaphorically stomping a line into her wooden floors

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"I need to find Cami!" Juliet rolled her eyes as she laid back on her new bed in the Mikaelson Compound as she was tired of watching him pace back and forth, metaphorically stomping a line into her wooden floors. It had been the hundredth – maybe thousandth – time he had repeated those words and the woman's patience was growing rather thin. Placing her hands on her face, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes; she was so thankful to have gotten some but irritated to not have had much of it due to Klaus's rampage.

Upon her arrival back in the Mikaelson Compound, and after Elijah informed his brother of the recent events, Klaus was rather joyful to have Juliet inside his home. Of course, Juliet assumed it was due to having another witch in the home which elevated their defenses; however the woman was sadly mistake. Since Cami was gone, Klaus had no one to vent to – no one to talk to that he trusted his information with. Juliet was his 'Cami substitute'; a job she was not happy about as Klaus barged into her new room around four in the morning to vent his frustrations to someone. Yes, Juliet was glad her sire trusted her with his rather bipolar and confusing emotions, but the woman would have loved to get a few hours more of sleep.

Klaus continued talking even after the sun greeted the day anew. He spoke of his time with Aurora and what his plan had originally been. He talked of his fondness of Cami and much more but never allowed Juliet to speak through the duration of his 'session'.

"Then go find her!" Juliet finally spoke, stopping Klaus. She continued lying down but even then she could see Klaus's narrowed eyes directed toward her.

"And how am I able to do that without knowing where my new annoyance has taken her?"

"I don't know Klaus," Juliet began, sitting up with her legs crossed. She had borrowed one of Elijah's white shirts and a part of shorts from Klaus to sleep in until she was able to round herself up more clothes as both Freya and Hayley were both small compared to her curvy figure. "Go to the last place where she was and see if you can't find any clues. You know how Aurora is with puzzles and her weird liking of playing hide and seek." Her words made Klaus stop and thinking – knowing she was right. Putting his finger up, Klaus smiled a 'thank you' to his old friend and went on his way. But before he could make it too far, Klaus stopped and turned to look at Juliet.

"It's nice having you here," the man spoke. Juliet pointed at the man, indicating she wanted him to get out. Klaus merely chuckled at her actions and continued on his way while the woman sighed in relief of getting rid of him. And as much as she wanted to go back to sleep, Juliet knew she couldn't as she heard the voices of Elijah and Freya speaking in the study just a few rooms away from her. They were setting up a magical binding circle made of salt and herbs to trap Tristan, who had been chained to a chair the night before. Juliet rose to her feet, her oversized shirt hanging loosely off her bosoms as she walked over to where the two were.

Juliet's eyes immediately found Freya in the middle of the circle, setting down Elder Futhark runes, including ingwaz and algiz. And once Freya completed the circle, she looked up to her brother before finding Juliet at the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest. The two women exchanged glances before they both looked over to Elijah. "The spell is complete. Tristan cannot cross the boundary of his own will, but we can enter and leave as we please," Freya informed them, a little spark glimmering in her eye showing pride in her work. Juliet smiled at the girl for her happiness. "I took the liberty of injecting him with hibiscus and mugwort to counteract any vervain in his system. All you have to do is compel him to give you the longitude of Rebekah's location."

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