The first thing I can hear is my mother and the crying of the other kits who were born beside me.
Hi my name is bluekit and my mother is Bluefur. My dad is the leader of moonclan and his name is Brackenstar. "She beautiful isn't she?" Asked my mother to the moms. "Yeah she is." Answered missingpaw. I am going to open my eyes for the first time. "Oh, she is opening her eyes." Said my mother. I have gorgeous blue eyes.
I am going to say my first word. "Mama." I said. "She said mama." Said my mother. "Where's daddy?" I asked. "Your daddy is the leader of moonclan." Explained my mother. "He is." I said. My mother told me about a place call the two leg place and she told me to never go there. Because they feed cats fish droppings. "Okay I won't, mommy." I said.
My daddy is the leader of moonclan and I think he is doing a great job. "Hi, Bluekit." Said Amberkit. "Hi, Amberkit." I said. "Do you want to play with me?" Asked Amberkit. "Sure." I said. Amberkit and I went off to play in the mossy patches in the nursery. "Be careful now." Said Bluefur. "Okay momma." I said. Amberkit is the best friend I could ever have.
Later outside of the nursery.
"Oh no, a grizzly bear and it is heading straight for the nursery. Protect the kits." Said Brackenstar. "Okay, Brackenstar." Said Sandclaw. I go over to the nursery entrance to see what's going on outside. "Bluekit, don't go over there come over here to me." Said Bluefur. I ran over to my mother. I stay over by my mother until the bear is rather killed or chased out of the camp.
"Can the whole clan plus my daughter join under the high rock." Said Brackenstar. "Okay what's going on, Brackenstar." Said Hazelwing. "We just had a grizzly bear attack and almost kill my daughter but with the determination that we have to protect all of the kits in the nursery. I would have ended my life if my daughter was killed by that grizzly." Said Brackenstar.
Later in the nursery.
If there is another brown bear attacks moonclan I would be prepared for it. My mother told me about the other four clans of the forest. There is sunclan, waterclan, rainclan, and meadowclan. But I was born and raised in moonclan. My father is the leader of the clan. I don't get to see my dad because he is so busy with keeping his clan save.
But he is coming the nursery to visit me and Bluefur. My dad enters the nursery and I am the first to see my dad. "Daddy." I said. "How's my little girl?" Said Brackenstar. "I am wonderful but I missed you." I said. "That's good to hear." Said Brackenstar. My mom gets up from the moss That she is sitting on. "Hi, Honey." Said Bluefur. "How are you, sweetie." Said Brackenstar. "I am well." Said Bluefur. "I love you so much." Said Brackenstar. "We love you too." Said Bluefur. "Do you want to see my den?" Asked Brackenstar. "Bluekit, do you want to see it?" Asked Bluefur. "Yeah." I said excitedly. We start heading for my father's den.
Later outside of my father's den.
"Hi Sandclaw." I said. "Hi, Bluekit." Said Sandclaw. "This is where I was living since I'm the leader of the clan." Said Brackenstar. "You are very special to me and your father . Do you know that." Said Bluefur. "Yeah, I know." I said. "We are glad that you know that. Your dad said that he would end his own life if you were killed by the grizzly bear." Said Bluefur. "I didn't want to die so after mom said to not nursery entrance and go to go over to her." I said. "That is the right thing to do." Said Brackenstar. Me and my mom walks out the den. "Guys you are always welcome to join me in my den.
Later in the nursery.
I love my dad. I can't believe that he is the leader of moonclan. I am going to take my time when I am a apprentice to train hard to be the best warrior I can be. "Mom." I said. "Yeah Bluekit." Said Bluefur. "I fear that dad isn't doing everything for me that he is doing for the clan." I said. "But me and your father are trying to do everything for you but your father isn't trying ignore you, he is very busy keeping you and his clan safe. Come here" Said Bluefur. I came over to my mom. "I love you mom." I said. "I love you too and your father loves you too just remember that." Said Bluefur. "Okay I will." I said.
Two moons later.
I am now five years old. I have only one moon left in the kit den. I love it in here but we have to do what we have to do in life. The reason why I said that I would train from dawn to evening for my mom and my dad. But I know that I shouldn't push myself to hard. I bet I will be the best leader I can be. I know my dad is proud of me and he has really big expectations for me to be best I can be.
One moon later.
I am now six officially the right age of become an apprentice. My mom is cleaning me up for my apprentice name. "Mom, I will always remember you." I said. "I will always remember you too." Said Bluefur. "Will you be proud of me." I said. "Of course I will always be proud of you whatever you do just do your best." Said Bluefur. "I love you mom and daddy." I said. "I love you too." Said Bluefur. I am going to take my time to train from Dawn to evening. I love it here.
Bluemuffin's and Amberfur's friendship
FanfictionBluemuffin and Amberfur were born in the nursery of moonclan. Bluemuffin's parents are Brackenstar and Bluefur. Bluemuffin was raised to be a great warrior cat when she grows up. On the other her friend Amberfur is trying to keep up with his Bluemuf...