chapter 1

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"Taylor, listen to me. It's going to be alright!"

Taylor shook her head. Her mom had been trying to convince her of this for the past half hour to no avail. "Mom, it's really not," she countered. "You've seen the things he's done. There's no way."

Andrea sighed. "I know honey, but there isn't really anything we can do to change it."

Tears could be seen dripping down Taylor's face. Her mom reached out to wipe them away, but Taylor swatted her hand away like one of her cats would have done. "I just feel so-so stupid," she hiccuped.

"Sweetheart, there's nothing to feel stupid about. You had no way of knowing he would have sold it," Andrea tried to reassure her daughter.

"But it's my fault. I was the one who wanted a record deal so badly. If I hadn't-"

Andrea cut her off. "If you hadn't what Taylor? Chosen to follow your dream? Then where would you be?"

Taylor sighed. "Not in this position, that's for sure."

Her mom cracked a smile. "Look at everything you've accomplished. Those 6 albums!"

Taylor groaned. "And now guess who owns them? Scooter Braun." She rolled her eyes and faked a long, exaggerated groan. "Mom, you know what happened with Kanye and everything." More tears began to flow from her eyes as she remembered the first incident.

Suddenly, she was 19 again, sitting in front of that giant stage.

"And the winner of best female video goes to- Taylor Swift!"

Her song had begun to play, the crowd was cheering.

Taylor stood up, shocked. It felt like she was floating the whole time she walked up to the stage.

"Um, I sing country music, so thanks so much for giving me an opportunity to win a VMA award." She felt like she was stumbling over her words, but for once she didn't care. Everyone was cheering her on and she had the biggest smile on her face.

Then he came over.

At first she was excited, and then confused, and then struggling to hold back tears as she heard his voice boom across the speakers.

The crowd begin to boo loudly, and it was all she could do not to burst out crying. Everything she'd hoped for, everything she'd dreamed of. It had turned into a nightmare. She didn't belong here, she never had. And she never could.

Her recollection of the incident fizzled out as Taylor realized she was sobbing.

"Oh Taylor baby, come here." Her mom reached over and put her arms around Taylor, pulling her into a hug. It was as if she could have sensed exactly what her daughter had been thinking about. "Whatever happens, I'm still here for you."

"That's partially what I'm afraid of," Taylor mumbled under her breath through the sobs and into her mothers shoulder. She didn't notice the slow tears dripping down her mother's face either. Her mother was here- now. But what would happen if there came a time she wasn't? Taylor didn't think she could stand everything without her mom there to comfort her.

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