chapter 2

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Taylor didn't know how long she stayed like that for, cuddled in her mother's embrace like she was a little girl again. When she finally let go she took a deep breath and sighed. "You're right mom."

Her mom cupped Taylor's face in her hands and smiled, looking into her daughters blue eyes highlighting her tear stained face. "I know," she smirked.

Taylor smiled in spite of her sadness, a small chuckle escaping as she did so. "Whatever happens, I'm going to get through it. I always have."

Andrea smiled knowingly at her daughter. "I know you Taylor Alison Swift, and that's how I know you will. You'll never let anyone stop you sweet girl."

Taylor hugged her mother again, this time without crying, as her worries vanished from her mind. It was okay. She could deal with this.


Later that night after her mother had gone home, Taylor lay awake in her room. Her cats had long been asleep, or disappeared to roam around the house, whatever cats did at late hours of the night.

Taylor had long given up on actually trying to get sleep, and had given in to just laying there in the dark and empty silence. Headlines flashed in front of her eyes as she lay staring at the ceiling.

Taylor Swift: Sold To Scooter?

Pop Superstar's Music Sold 

Big Machine Records Gets A New Face

Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun

The History of Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun And Why It May Be Important

Money For Music? An Inside Look at the Deal Between Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun

She still couldn't believe Scott would have done something like this. Scott Borchetta, the man whose company had given her a chance after trying for so long. The man who watched her career blossom into something real.

All she ever wanted had been right there in front of her, and at that moment she had signed the contract, not knowing how he could twist it.

And that was the worst part of it all. After everything that had happened. Everything she'd been through. And he had known, too.

Scott had known everything and yet he didn't do anything. He knew what Scooter's clients had done to her, he knew what Scooter himself had done. And still, he sold it.

Everything she had worked for, the very things she had lived for. Gone, and in the possession of a man who had no regard for her well being or even for her music. A man who just wanted money.

The part that stung the most was that she had tried to buy the rights to her music as well. Repeatedly, and time and time again Scott told her no. He said Big Machine wasn't going anywhere and that everything would be safe.

But he lied.

And it hurt. A whole lot.

"I hope you're happy," Taylor screamed into the darkness. "I really hope you're happy now, because I sure am not." She didn't care how loud she was being. In her big house all alone, there wasn't anyone to hear her. Nobody to tell her she was overreacting.

But also nobody to give her a hug and tell her they loved her.

Tears running down her face, Taylor turned around and pushed her face deeper into her pillow, which muffled her words as she yelled, angry at Scott, and angry at the world. She no longer felt like she could make it through as she had felt so strongly earlier.

Eventually exhaustion took over, and she fell into a restless sleep haunted by nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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