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You were sitting in class, you had given Aizawa your journal and it explained everything about the nightmare. He had decided to let you talk with the school councilor for a few days at school, things were slowly getting better. Everyone was sitting in class, Aizawa said that we had something important happening, "we have Memberships", the class was excited. "But only certain people are able to do them due to strength and matureness" Aizawa added. Then most of the class just died inside, "some agencies will have their members from UA have you enroll into the Agency and you'll get an experience of what a pro hero is usually like" Aizawa explained. You figured since you didn't have your license, you wouldn't be able to do a membership, that's what you thought until later that night, we were all in the common room until Aizawa came in, "Y/N & Kirishima, Amajiki wants to speak with you two, and Uraraka and Tsu, Hado wants to speak with you two. It's about the Memberships" Aizawa explained. (I can imagine you guys thinking 'Ochako still has love'). You and Kirishima walked to the Class 3A dorms, along with Tsu and Uraraka, (also side rant, people say Mirio is in Class 3A, he's not. He's in Class 3B!). You all made it to the dorms, you practically hid behind Kirishima when you went inside the 3rd year dorms. Surprisingly Amajiki wasn't in his room, hiding from everyone, he was leaning against a wall, not talking to anyone. (Put poor bean), you both walked up to him and quickly enough Kirishima harassed him with questions. You were just silent and trying to avoid the looks the class was giving you, Kirishima kept harassing Amajiki until he gave him a moment to speak, Amajiki was speaking about the agency he's with, the person who was in charged was described as cheerful and outgoing. Something you suck at (that was so cruel!), but you decided to do the membership. Hell, you may get some confidence out of it. Everything was agreed and you both went back to the dorms. Tokoyami got asked to be in Hawk's agency for the Membership, you remember the internship and it was quite fun despite all the incidents that happened. Even after you attempted suicide, while you were in the hospital and unconscious, Hawks visited you one time and left a card for you (what a pro!). It was nice of him to remember you. You were laying down in your bed, your class has someone coming in for the newspaper, Principal Nezu says it would be a good idea (can I point out something. I fan girl whenever I see Aoyama, Mr Compress, Hitoshi, any kind of background character). You didn't really have a positive outcome when it comes to the media but it's about the class this time.   

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