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On Halloween night look in the glass, your time will came and it will pass...

What had it meant? Why had she said it? And why was I the only one who remembered it?!

Ok, ok, I'm getting ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning; my name is Abigail and this is my story. When I was around 8 my parents, both only 24 at the time, died by over dosing,  since then I have been going from one foster home to another looking for some old people who can't have babies of their own or whatever who want adopt a 16 year old bitch with discipline issues. My life sucks. But there is one good thing, Lilly, Lilly is 10 now and is also an orphan. Lilly when I first met her was only 2 and had no one to play with, so in the orphanage I went to sit next to her and ever since then she can't leave me. The orphanage was so worried that stripping me from Lilly might hurt her that they make the offer of me and her as like some sort of package deal or whatever.  Lilly is really smart and  even though she is 8 is almost in the same year level as me! It's like there is nothing she can't do, everyone she meets falls instantly in love with her. A few years back she even got adopted by a lovely old folk whose children had died in a crash recently, but once they spent a week with me they sent us both back to the orphanage. I apologised to Lilly so many times the words started to sound like nonsense, but she insisted she hadn't liked those people because 'they were dirty'. Lilly is constantly saying weird things like that, it creeps me out sometimes, especially when they turn out to make sense in the end.  A few weeks after we had come back to the orphanage I over head two of the staff talking about someone being arrested, instantly thinking someone had found my stash I listened harder, turns out the couple we were with before were found guilty of one homicide and three rapes. Since then I've started to listen to Lilly more often...

Now we are at the Williams house, going to school at some fancy private school that was supposed to do something about my behavioural issues or something, all I see it doing it making me get in trouble more, and more. It's not my fault that the rules are stupid, there are more than 200 rules at this hole and, not meaning to brag or anything, I've broken more than 150 of them in the last hour!   

So that basically brings you up to now, I'm in detention for and I quote ' disobeying school rule number 129- ignoring teachers and school faculties is not tolerated.' It's not actually my fault at all, she told me to be quiet so I was being quiet, not my fault she asked me a question when I couldn't answer!   where was I? Oh yeah, I'm in detention, even though I did nothing wrong, wondering what Lilly had meant at lunch...

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