chapter four

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As we walked up the marble steps to his house I noticed that the pillars weren't just plain smooth stone, they had markings carved in them, they looked like Greek symbols or something. They could of been Latin but I would of had to be closer to really tell. It was weird to have that around a house like this, it was so modern and so luxurious that Latin carvings around it were the last thing you would expect to see. But as the doors opened for us without any gesture at all on Sam's part I realised that I was wrong, of what I could see of this house the was Greek symbols everywhere, engraved on every surface. There were paintings hung everywhere of what looked to be pages of scrolls, it was kind of creepy, kind of like walking through a museum of something.

We walked in and stopped just in front of the door, Sam came up behind me and started to gently slide my jacket off, I shrugged out of it and he took it, with his, to hang on a coat rack that I would of sworn wasn't there a second ago. It was very quiet in the huge house, like there was no life here, it didn't seem like someplace where anyone would like to live, that's why it startled me nearly out of my skin when the door slammed behind me. I jumped back and Sam willingly caught hold of my waist to stop me from falling on the hard stone floor.

"how about we go up to my room?" he asked in a calm voice.

There was nothing I could do but follow him, it was like my body was reacting before my mind had a chance to catch up, but when it did I stopped. Just froze on the seventh step from the landing.

"is everything alright? Are you having second thoughts?" it seemed almost painful for him to say that second sentence, his face kind of contorted around it as if it hurt to say. But he smiled sweetly at me, like he was trying to reassure me of something.

"um... yeah I guess. I'm fine." But I didn't feel fine, I felt woozy and like I shouldn't be here. I immediately  pushed that thought out of my head, how stupid could I get? I was at Sam's house and I was wasting acting like an idiot. Ok! Snap out of it! I ordered myself. I forced my legs to move again, to take the steps one at a time, faster and faster, until I was at a reasonable pace to say I was happy.     

Once we had reached the top of the long winding stair case I stopped, which of these doors was his room? Sam stopped behind me like he was waiting for me to moved or something, I truned to him with an expectant look. I had no idea where his room was but he obviously did.

"um, which one is yours?" I asked, as I did a smile crept over his face, like that was exactly what he had wanted to hear. It probably was, I was in his house looking for his room. Every teenage boys fantasy.

"why don't you guess?" he said calmly. Weird but ok, who am I to judge?

I walked forward to the second door on the left and stopped right in front of it, it was baby blue and looked like something a toddler might have chosen, but it was as if it were calling to me or something, i pointing at it and looked back at him to see him have a look on his face that i can only describe a bemused... 

Sam saw me looking at him and quickly changed his expression, he smiled at me and walked forward to opening the door. i looked in it and there was no denying it was definitely his room, it had video games and movies strewn all over the floor and a few dirty garments of laundry thrown higldy pigldy around one of the corners. next to the door was a book shelf, filled from top to bottom with books, all sorts too, ranging from fantasy fiction to the autobiography of Steve Irwin. i was surprised by this, i hadn't really imagined him for the reader of sorts, but truthfully i hadn't given it much thought.

I stepped inside and was surprised to see at least three doors leading to i don't know where. I turned around to ask Sam but was suddenly envoloped in a kiss, it wasn't like the others we had shred earlier today, it was more heated, like there was nothing to hold us back, and there wasn't. except when i didn't recall seeing a bed... that was weird, that had to of been one, but then i thought again, nope no bed. strange. i pushed Sam away, even though every bone in my body didn't want me to and held him at arms length.

"wheres the bed?" i asked, then started to lightly giggle because that sounded very different in my head. he laughed to, but i could see the longing in his eyes, there was something else there to, something i just couldn't put my finger on. but before i could get to worried or stressed or over think things Sam smiled grabbed my hand and lead me through one of the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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