chapter three

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The day ended slowly, seconds dragging like they were hours, when the day did eventually ended I couldn't find Lilly anywhere, I always met her outside the admin building but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I waited a couple of minutes for her, maybe she was just late out of class, but after about 10 minutes of waiting I started to get worried, she had never been late out of class I her life. I decided to call the Williams just to be sure she hadn't gone home from being sick or something during the day. I dialled  the number and after only two rings Lilly picked up.

"hello?" she said, even through a phone it was good to hear her voice.

" why are you there?!" I demanded, "why didn't you wait for me like I told you to?!?" I was sounding like her mum or something, I tried to relax.

"aren't you going to Sam's house?" she asked, "I thought you wouldn't want to have to take me home.

"well yes, I am but that, um." I was stumped, but how did she know? Had I told her at lunch? I tried to think back but all I could come up with was sitting next to Sam and thinking about what fun we would have. I probable was to wrapped up in my own stuff to notice. "ok, ok, are you ok? I'll be at Sam's for a little while and..." my voice trailed off as Sam came up from behind me and started that kissing thing on my neck again.

" I'll be fine, you go and have a good time, but be careful, not everything is always as it seems." And with that she hung up... what the hell? Eh, I stopped worrying and Sam turned me around and started to kiss me with tremendous force. It took me a while to catch my breath enough to tell him to take me to his place but when I did he moved so fast I didn't see him coming. He scooped me up like I was some  sort of princess or something and carried me to his car, kind of cheesy but who cares! Really romantic!

The ride to his place took like 20 minutes but when we got there I saw why, his house was firkin HUGE! It was like an estate or something and had huge walls with a massive iron gate surrounding it. We drove up to the gate and stoped so that his window was level with a speaker thing.

" Rein residents, how may I be of service?" asked a really English sounding voice.

"it's me Josh." Sam said casually, I assumed it was like a butler or something, a butler! How rich was he!? The gates opened as soon as he finished speaking and we drove through them, they shut once we were inside. Is property was so bid I could of sworn that they had enough land to build a suburb, I looked over to him, not knowing what my face was showing, but he merely shrugged like it was no big deal and that having this much land was a normal thing. I was really impressed but I didn't want to show it, so I composed my face and looked straight ahead, awaiting the next surprise.

The house was big, well to say it was big seemed almost like an insult, but it really was big. Sam turned the car off and got out, eager for what awaited, I believe he thought I would do likewise but I was still frozen in fear of the giant house in front of me. I had heard he was rich but really? He came around to my side, probably to see what was taking me so long and opened my door like a gentle man.

"do you plan on coming out of there anytime soon?" he asked, I could see he was holding back a grin and couldn't help but let olut a little nerves giggle. I didn't know why I was so out of it, I had done this heaps, with no less the 20 different guys, and yet I couldn't stop the nerves from coming to my throat. I looked up at him and he smiled at me with so much warmth that I couldn't help and smile back, his grin seemed to warm my insides, melt the ice around my body and able me to move again, I let out a big sigh as I stepped up and out of the car.   .  I couldn't help but smile, it was like all my worries had melted away, like all of the troubles in my life were gone and forgotten. It felt, almost to good...

 almost magic

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