A Year In New York

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July 1990

As he pulled his car into his parents' driveway at the dawn of night after a gruelling 9 hour drive from New York City and sighed as the engine quieted down. He checked himself in the mirror adjusting his hair making sure he did not look dishevelled. The past year had not gone exactly as planned but it was nice to be back home in Ohio.

He knocked on the door and felt a sense of relief as Elyse opened the door and gave him a big hug. "Alex it's so good to see you, come in it's getting warm inside. Everyone Alex is home!" Elyse shouted as the rest of the family gathered in the living room. Not much had changed since he visited last at Christmas time.

Everyone was happy to see Alex again and Andy ran up to him and gave Alex a big hug. Alex smiled and returned the hug "It's nice to see you again Andy, we'll have to catch a Reds game while I am home, I can drive us down to Cincinnati"

"Yes! I can't wait" Andy said in excitement as he high fived Alex which made Alex smile for the first time that day.

"Alex, I have some leftover meatloaf if you're hungry in the kitchen" Elyse said holding Alex's arm not wanting to let go. She enjoyed having him home.

Mallory and Steve were in the kitchen playing cards when they saw Alex walk in, Mallory waved while Steve gave his son a firm handshake and a hug.

"It's nice to see you again Alex, how have things been in the big apple? Met any girls yet?" he said as a proud father of his sons' accomplishments

"It's going alright works been stressful especially with the economy slowing, I've been on the phone non-stop with clients trying to reassure them that everything is going to be ok, but people are worried. I even turned off my pager for the day to relax. I've been on a few dates but none of them have stuck around." He said disappointed in himself. Trying to lighten the mood he changed the topic "how have things been here? You're still on a reduced schedule dad? Mom sounded worried on the phone you were trying to pick up shifts?"

Elyse and Andy walked in to listen to the conversation since cartoon hour was over and it was approaching his bedtime. Since Alex was here though it was a special occasion and Andy was allowed to stay up.

Steven responded hesitantly making sure to choose his words carefully. "Things have been going good, Jen is excited to start high school in the fall and she is actually at work now at the grocery store, should be home soon. I'm still on medically reduced workload on advice of my doctor but I think it's a little overboard. Andy is good as you know, and Mallory just graduated college..." he stopped there letting Mallory chime in

"Alex I finally graduated! It only took an extra year, but I am done at Grant College and have my fashion degree. I'm working at Kohl's... you know that, but I recently got promoted and am head of the clothes/fashion department!" the excitement in her voice was easy to tell as she couldn't stop smiling. "I might move in with Nick also"

"That's the first we've heard of that" Elyse said nervously

"Well discuss it another time" Steven said trying to redirect the conversation to a less controversial topic

"It's time for you to go to bed Andy" Elyse said holding his hand genteelly to take him to his room

"I don't want to go to bed, I want to play with Alex!" he protested

"It's okay Andy, I'm home for the next few days, we'll spend lots of time together it'll be great!" Alex said trying to reassure his brother.

The rest of the family took it as a sign to say goodnight to each other and head to bed themselves. Alex lied in bed not able to get to sleep his mind racing. Jen had long arrived home from work and gone to bed. He made a mental note to make sure to talk to his younger sister tomorrow. He heard a knock at the door

"Come in" he said a little groggy as the long day had taken its toll

Mallory walked in

"Hey Alex, hope I'm not disturbing you just wanted to talk" she said as she sat at the end of his bed.

Alex being protective and understanding as always forced himself to sit up "No worries Mallory I'm always here to talk. Having trouble sleeping anyway as it is"

Mallory bit her lip nervous to start talking but finally relented "Nick and I want to move into together, but I feel like dad and mom won't approve. I mean I'm an adult I can make my own decisions."

"Mal you know mom and dad want the best for you right? I mean you are right; you are an adult and can make your own choices. I think you and Nick are great together" he smiled at the thought happy to see his sister happy. "If you and Nick want to move into together, I say go for it! Nick will make a great mechanic and Jen was telling me that he fixed her car and it runs like brand new"

Mallory was happy to have someone to talk to and smiled back at Alex. "It's nice to have you home and have someone who I can talk to, You're a great brother Alex." She looked over at his bedside puzzled. "What's that in the bottle?"

"It's anti-anxiety medication." Alex said ashamed but decided to explain "I've had my pay cut 10% and my number of clients as well as my workload has doubled. My investment house is downsizing as the economy gets weaker. I've been pulling 8-10-hour days since January and this is my first vacation of the year. A well deserved one." He stopped realizing he revealed too much. "I like my job and please don't tell mom or dad. They have enough to worry about."

"I understand" Mallory said nodding in agreement. There brother sister relationship had only grown stronger throughout the years. "Alex I actually have great news... remember your girlfriend Ellen from Leland University?" she barely stopped hence Alex could not reply "well she is back home from Paris, single, just finished her first year as a kindergarten teacher and works at my Kohl's as a cashier part-time! Want me to set you guys up on a date? I'll call her tomorrow"

For the first time that day minus the coffee Alex perked up. "That's great news, I haven't been really trying at the dating game since she left for Paris except for Lauren. I'm only in town for a few days but I can squeeze in a date with Ellen tomorrow night, let her know! Thanks, Mal, I owe you one" Alex said happy as can be.

"Goodnight Alex"

"Goodnight Mallory"

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