Part Three

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As I sit alone in the cafeteria, I ponder about the first half of the day. So far, Apollo has been in every class (there's only been 3) and now there's two more left in the day. I look around a little, trying to figure out where Apollo is. I manage to avoid him throughout lunch somehow as he never showed up.

I write down a few feelings and what I'd say if someone came up to me right now. Or, rather, what I'd write. Piercing eyes make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I quickly look around.

Beverly stares daggers at me until I stand up and essentially flee from the cafeteria. That was not something I originally intended to do, but I can't stand my ground with her. As I walk the empty halls, I see Apollo in a small classroom, talking to someone. There's also the other boy from the store present, and they're all using hand symbols.

I stand, staring, until the boy makes eye contact with me. He grins and quickly does more hand signals, causing Apollo to turn. His emerald eyes swallow me. My heart skips a beat again. His grin widens and he takes a step towards me. I shake my head and walk away before he can come any closer.

The bell rings and I make my way to my next class, thankful lunch is over. History class starts with another bell and I jot down notes.

Somehow, my mind drifts to his emerald eyes and peppermint breath. I lose track of the lesson as I write about the boy who may have taken my heart already.

The bell rings and Apollo is waiting by the door for me.

"Harley, wait up!" He takes hold of my hand and pulls me to an empty part of the hallway.

"You act like you've been avoiding me. Am I really that bad to look at?" He playfully looks pained.

I take out a random notebook from my bag and start hurriedly scribbling a question, but, I realize the bell is about to ring, so, I finish the note with my number. I tear it out and hand it to him. His hand grips mine, bringing it to his lips to kiss it once, before letting me go.

A hop, skip, and a jump away, I'm at my new classroom. I sit in the back and monitor the people filtering in. Much to my dismay, Beverly walks in. But, two people after her, Apollo walks in as well, lighting the room with his smile.

He plops down in the seat next to me, grinning. He pulls his phone out, along with the piece of paper I wrote on, and types for a bit.

I was talking to my brother, Ares, and we were using sign language. Ares is deaf and I was talking to him and his translator about what this school was like for the two of them. When Ares saw you, he pointed you out and said 'Apollo, your girlfriend is here.' And it was quite cute to see your face blush. I was wondering if you'd be interested in learning sign language so you don't have to write to communicate with everyone.

His text is longer than I thought it was going to be. Sign language sounds interesting so I meet my gaze with his and give him a simple nod. He smirks.

The last class of the day flies by with him and I texting each other about all kinds of different things. Every time my phone vibrates, I smile and quickly type back a reply. I ignore Beverly's daggers throughout the class.

Do you want to come over after school? I can introduce you to Ares and we can start your first sign language lesson!

I text my mom, making sure it's okay with her, first.

Okay, but I have to be home by 9. It is a school night after all!

He nods and gathers his things as the teacher says goodbye and the bell rings. I follow him out into the hallway, panicking as people filter out and the crowd becomes unbearable. I end up getting stuck in one place and I can neither yell for Apollo or wiggle enough room into the crowd to slide my phone out of my pocket.

I stay still for a while until room opens up and I can open up my phone, which is vibrating with incoming texts.

I lost you.
Meet me at the front door.
I'm driving and Ares will be with us.
Where are you?
Are you okay?

My heart quickens as I text back that I'm fine and I'll be at the front door asap. The crowd dies down and I walk easily towards the front of the building. Apollo and Ares are chatting, or rather, signing, away as if they didn't care about anything in the world.

I admire them for a bit until Apollo tenses and looks at me again. I blush and start walking towards them again. I will never get used to how he turns to look like that every time I admire him from a distance. Instincts, I guess.

Ares smiles at me, opening the door and holding it for me to walk through. Apollo rolls his eyes before signing something to him. I watch carefully but I end up getting lost since I don't know what the hand signs mean.

"Okay, Harley." He signs as he speaks, for me. "My house is a little unusual, and my car is a little messy. Don't judge me."

I roll my eyes and shrug before my skin starts to flush again. I avoid the gaze of emerald orbs as I get into the back of a navy blue Ford Mustang. I hold back a groan as heat waves hit me from inside the car. Ares must have been watching me because he makes eye contact, giving me a pure look of "i know" and then turns the AC full blast while the doors are still open to push out any excess heat in the car. Once cool, the doors are shut and we pull away from the school.

My stomach drops a bit as I think about how the day went. How his orbs pierced me all day minus one class. How he was waiting for me. I feel his eyes wander to me through the mirror every once in a while, and I always look back. Butterflies rise within me and I casually bite my lip.

My heart quickens as we pull into a beautiful driveway lined with bushes and flowers. My mouth gapes open and I flinch as Apollo laughs. His laugh makes me smile and I look away. I let my mom know I made it to Apollo's house and turn my location on, just in case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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