Guns and Bullets

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"Explain." Poland said. "What do i get out of this?"

The other contry laughed, his cackle ringing in Poland's head. "I'm afraid you wont have a choice in this" the contry smiled.
"But i can make a deal. Of course, im always number one"
"Well?" Poland asked. "What's in it for me tough guy?" He hissed.

He grabbed a paper, sliding it over to Poland. "Why would you want him gone. He's---" the contry cut Poland off. "Yeah yeah y'all can't understand why. He's nothin'." The contry shook his head. "And what happens for punishment if i do wrong?" Poland stated.

"Whatever the contrys want to make em' happy" they responded. "Im not doing shit if the blames going onto me" they laughed again.

"You dont have a choice. going to have to use my bombs, mhm?" They smiled. "Fine, fine" Poland said. "Just give me pay"

"It's a deal" the contry smiled, reaching out their hand for Poland to shake, he hesitated but finally did. "You can trust me"

With a glance back at the paper and a sigh, he looked up at the contry. "He's your family, you know" Poland tried to make sure this was the right person. "He loves you"

"'He loves you' oh yada yada yada. If you're that bad then atleast capture him and bring him to me" Poland nodded to the contrys remark. "Just get this done tonight or else" they hissed, they siddently shoved a mask in Polands hands.

"Now" the contry said, leading him to a different room. "Pick three." He guestured to a layout of different weapons.

Poland glanced at the contry. He could see the slight relief in his eyes that he didn't have to fight. "Right" he glanced at the weapons once more. "You're very trusting.." he grabbed a pistol, glanced at the cocky contry, silently loading it. "I don't need to worry when im the most powerfull" he smiled.

Poland took his chance, pinning the contry to the wall, putting the gun at the bottom of their head. They smiled, showing four sharp teeth aligned with the others. He wasn't like Germany or Russia with teeth sharper than a knives tip.

Poland saw the contrys deep, black eyes as their glasses fell off. "Give me three reasons I shouldn't shoot you right now" Poland hissed.

"Y'all are so paranoid" the contry muttered. "If you kill me, you have no proof of anything, so you'll either be attacked or sent to jail" they pointed out.

"Thats all im saying" they smiled. Poland saw the deep red-pink shine in their eyes of voids. The dark almost swallowing them except for the red-pink light.

"Fine." Poland turned away. He went back to the weapons as the obnoxious contry grabbed his glasses of the floor and put them back on.
He grabbed a tazer and some metal ropes. Poland had ideas on how to use these in battle or if he needed to threaten someone while they were tied up.(stfu dirty minded peeps :'<)
"Remember, do it tonight." they smiled, Poland left into the pitch black night.

He walked along the empty road, the strong, vibrant light of golden-yellow pronounced itself against Poland.
He took out the paper---or file really, of the person he was supposed to get.

He read it over, but the whole thing this time.

Паме; Пеш zеаІапd
Агеа; 193 Веамсіту sтгеет
Іоокs Ііке Ацzzіе ьuт sтагs аге  dіғғегепт.
еуеs; геd/геd-ріпк
геІатіопs; ( sівІіпgs: АцsтгаІіа, Сапаdа, Амегіса) (Рагептs: ЦК/ Вгітап, Ғгапсе)

Alright. Poland thought, he continued along the sidewalk. He's not that far from here..
He walked further. Checking the file as he went, as there were lots of people in there.

Its all family. He thought. What does he have against them?
He read through all of them.
New Zealand
Poland looked confused but then realized something. He put himself in there so if i get caught he wont get punished. Smartass.

Poland sighed, he contined walking.
He made it to the street, the night grew darker and it all seemed to stretch.

He walked down the street, finally seeing New Zealand's house. Three cars? That doesn't.... then he realized. He must have people over.

Poland went through his mind on what to do. He had to get this done tonight and tonight only.
He made sure his weapons were well hidden and he knocked on the door, putting the mask on and pulling the hood of his hoodie up.

New Zealand opened the door. "Hi-!" He smiled. "Odd mask to wear for the pandemic but i won't judge, what's up?" Poland felt guilt build up, poor New Zealand had no clue what was going on.

Poland guestured for New Zealand to come out, he did and luckily he closed the door behind him. "Mhm?" New Zealand asked, eyes bright with curiousity.

Poland took his chance, he took the gun out and struck New Zealand over the head with it, knocking him out cold.

He caught the limp body and he headed towards the place the contry brought him.


Poland knocked and it took a few seconds, he had already wrapped innocent New Zealand with the metal ropes.

After a few questioning he was let in, he walked beside the contry, talking while carrying New Zealand.
"You were quick.." they said, setting their brother down onto the floor were be would be held captive.

"I got the job done, now, the pay?" Poland snapped. The contry laughed. Their phone suddently rang.

"Canada" they hissed. When they awnsered he put it on speaker phone.
"Bro, Kiwi dissapeared!" Canada's panicked voice came.
"Really?!" The contry mimicked their brother's worried tone.
"When was the last time you saw him?" They asked

"He went to talk to someone at the door, when we checked he was gone-!" He heard crying in the backround of the phonecall, it must be one of the brothers.

"Nada calm the hormones" the contry joked. "We'll find him" his eyes flicked up to Poland. "We'll find him, i promise"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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