Chapter 11: Safe

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(A/N: Ok what what hadweuyuigyfteyui 600+ reads AAAAAAAAAAA shameless selfpromotion time: I do cosplay! My tiktok and Instagram is @thd.cos)


As soon as they arrived at Hajime's house, Nagito felt relieved. He was safe... for now. He flinched when he got off the bike, feeling the bandages under his shirt. That caused a worried glance from Hajime, but he waved it away.

''I'm fine..-''

''Ko, you aren't. That's the whole problem... now please get inside..''

Nagito nodded, before walking to the door, and being greeted by Chiaki with tea. She helped him to the couch, and soon after he sat down, Hajime also walked in. Nagito was sipping his tea, while Chiaki was explaining the situation.

''You'll have to stay inside for a couple of days.. your father probably calls the police to find you. We won't let them find you though.. That's a promise.'' 

Nagito nodded, and jumped a bit when he heard Souda's voice from upstairs.

''Yo Nagito! Your bath is ready!''


Chiaki nodded with a smile.

''Come on Ko, or do I have to carry you?'' Hajime said teasingly.

Nagito blushes heavily, shaking his head.

"Ah- no need to carry me Hinata-kun, really!"

The white haired shook his head, before getting up, biting his cheeks to stop himself from groaning. Both him and Hajime walked upstairs, to what seemed to be the bathroom. Hajime opened the door.

"Euhm... I'll leave you to bathe... If you need anything, just call our names. We'll be in my room, which is right next to the bathroom.. but you know that already.. anyway, enjoy your bath!"

Hajime said quickly, trying to prevent a blush from spreading over his face. The brunette then walked off, leaving Nagito in the doorway. He shook his head a bit, preventing himself from spacing out, and walked into the bathroom, closing the door, as he undressed, and sat down in the warm water. He laid down soon after, feeling tired, and drifting off to a calm, dreamless sleep.


Phew. Nagito was safe. The brunette made his way to his own room, where Chiaki and Souda were already waiting for him. Both of them had a smirk on their face. Hajime looked at them with his eyebrows furrowed.

''So- about your feelings for Nagito-'' Kazuichi started.

Hajime turned bright red, only hearing those words already made him blush.

''We know Hajime. Come on, you keep calling him Ko all the time! That's just too cute!''

Hajime shook his head and sat down.

''He's probably into girls or whatever...''

''Bro. He literally cuddled you in his sleep.'' 

Hajime fell silent. He had no rebuttal left.

''Don't worry Hajime! Kaz and I will help figuring out if the feelings are mutual! No worries!''

Chiaki said with a smile. Hajime stared at the soulmark on his palm. He wondered if Nagito would allow him to see his. He would ask later. The most important thing at the moment was the albino's recovery.

''Wait Kaz, did you put down fresh clothes in the bathroom?''

''Euhh... whoops.''

Hajime sighed, before walking to his closet and grabbing a sweater and some shorts. Hajime had a bigger chest size then Nagito, so the sweater should be able to fit. He shook his head slightly, before walking to the bathroom, not noticing Chiaki and Kazuichi giggle slightly. Mhm.. this was maybe all set up. Hajime on the other didn't know.

The brunette knocked on the bathroom door, and spoke with a soft voice.

''Nagito? Do you mind if I come in? Kaz forgot to put clothes there so I brought you some!''

''Oh- don't worry Hinata-kun, you can come in!''

Hajime walked in, his eyes focused on Komaeda. He had his private parts covered with some bath foam, as the other looked back.

''Geez Ko, you're thin. Now that you live here, you're going to eat more, okay?''

Komaeda nodded in response.

''I'm sorry for all the trouble I cause with my existence... after all I'm just a-''

He got cut off by Hajime putting his finger on Nagito's lips again.

''Don't talk about yourself like that, okay? Anyway, I was also going to ask what you would like to have for dinner tonight!''

''Hm... I like pasta, is that okay?''


Hajime smiled, and Komaeda smiled back. Nagito smiling... gave him a weird feeling. 

I wish my lips would be touching his instead of my finger..

Wait what?! What am I thinking?

Hajime blinked a couple of times, preventing himself from spacing out.

''I'll be going now, see you in a couple minutes, okay?''


WIth those words, Hajime got up, and walked out of the bathroom, a blush on his face.

He checked if Chiaki and Kazuichi were still in his room, which didn't seem to be the case. Looks like they overheard his conversation and already went downstairs. Hajime decided that it was for the best right now to just make sure they didn't set anything else on fire.

                                                   [TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY MY NAGITO LOCKSCREEN]

A few minutes after Hajime came downstairs, Nagito followed. Hajime turned around, and it was like he got struck in his heart. 

Nagito looks so cute in my clothing!

Was all he could think of. He realised he was probably staring, so he turned back around, to see Kazuichi playing with a lighter.

''Kaz put that down!''

''Awe.. why?''

''Because you might also set the kitchen on fire!''

''Nahh I won't..!''

Hajime chuckled a bit, before turning back to Nagito.

''So how was your bath?''

''It was good! Thank you for allowing me to bathe!''

''No need to thank me Nagito. As long as you live here, you can bathe everyday, I don't mind!''

Hajime couldn't help but notice a small blush on Nagito's face.

''Thank you Hinata-kun!''

Hajime smiled, before getting the plates. The two of them readied the table, while Chiaki and Souda were cooking. 

They sat down, waiting for the pasta to be done, as they heard a sudden call from the kitchen.

''I-It's on fire!''

Hajime knew he should've taken the lighter from Kazuichi.

(A/N: I tried making this a little bit longer- woop woop)

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