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I just love everything about him

I know absolutely nobody will read this apart from me, so I'm allowed to be as cheesy as I freaking want.

Shinso is just the best person in the world. He isn't perfect (nobody is), but he might as well be. From his soft side to his cold side, I love every part of him. He's the best friend to have, really.

He's analytical.

He's considerate.

He's kind to friends.

He has some loyalties.

He's protective.

He's just perfect. That's it, literally. I just love every part of him.

Shinso, if you ever read this, I love you.

It's been two years since we first met, which feels surreal. I guess I've just been pining for so long that it all feels natural now.

I don't know what I could do if you left, so please don't leave.

I know you won't read this, since I won't let you, so this is hopeless.

But I just really love you, Hitoshi Shinso

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