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This Is A Filler Chapter It's An Experiment It Will Include BDSM. I'll Mark The Starting With *** In case No One Wants To The Mature Contents. Thanks For The Support
🥺❤️👉🏾👈🏾 I Really Appreciate It And This Chapter Is Dedicated To diors0sa For Giving Me Me The Idea So I'm Exploring :)

Ciel  POV

''Hi you're Ciel right?'' A girl asked.

''Uh yes that's me'' I replied.

''Well I was just wondering if you'd like to come to a party, It's our sorority party'' She finished.

''I'm not really the p-''

''Oh you will won't you?'' She said once again as she pushed the flyer in my hand and walked off.

I bit onto my lower lip as I observed the flyer. It's tonight. After I left the campus I returned back home.

We should go.

''No I don't want to'' I replied.

Come on you're in college live a little Ciel

''But Akira-''

Bring her along then the more the merrier

I sat on my bed playing with my fingers. I sent Akira a text asking her to come with me to the party. She replied telling me she couldn't make it because she's doing an assignment. I laid on my bed with my hands covering my face. I no longer was in the mood to go. Plus I don't know anyone there, what would be the point of me going.

My phone began ringing. When I answered It was my cousin, Brent. He wanted to go out, and wanted me to accompany him. I groaned, I was hoping I could just be on the phone with Akira until I fell asleep.

After a few minutes I heard the doorbell. I got dress and put on my shoes.

''Ciel dude I haven't seen you since you moved here'' He replied.

''Yeah you too Brent'' I replied, ''So where are we going?'' I asked

''A Gentleman's Club' He replied smiling.

''Brent I'm not too sure we should-''

''Come one man have some fun once in a while'' He said as he jokingly nudged me.

''I have a girlfriend Brent'' I replied, ''I don't think she'll be comfortable with me going to a strp club''

''Dude it's not a strip club, it's even better and more sophisticated plus we won't be doing anything'' Brent pressed on, ''Please for me I just need to go with someone you know how i get when I'm by myself''

I exhaled and nodded, He's right, he tends to get a little wild whenever he goes to partied by himself.

We ended up  in front of a huge building. I was curious when we stepped on the nylon-based red carpet and met my feet.

''Hello Sirs what can we do today for you?'' A woman asked, who I assumed was the receptionist.

'' Uh- We're just checking out the place'' Brent replied.

''Ah So you're new'' She said, as she gave us a card that had noob on it. I raise my eyebrow at it.

''It's for the newcomers, who are interested in this place, shall we go?'' She asked, ''Oh, there's a price you have to pay at the end, since you're not a member $1000 dollars is the fee, is that okay?'' She asked.

I know I should probably leave but something about this place intrigued me, the old design of the building was impeccable, you know what they say curiosity killed the cat. I cleared my throat and nodded, ''That's fine'' Brent and I replied.

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