Chapter 1

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By the way I know this hasn't happened but I am just making this whole story up using previous shows and interviews and just adding stuff in.

Harry POV
"Disappearing when you wake up, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Even when the night changes. It will never change, me and Lou!!"
I finished the song holding the word LOU and giving him a sneaky glance. Looking at him, I saw his cheeks give off a bit of a blush. He looked quite sexy just standing th......what am I saying. I don't like him, he's just my friend. I felt a voice in my ear
"What the hell are you doing Harry, we told you no more Larry rumours. If this comes out their will be serious consequences. I mean it. Now all of you get off stage." Shit I thought. I am in soo much shit, by the looks of the other boys faces they all heard the message. Each giving me a sorry look we walk off stage. As I was walking I could hear Louis talking to Liam.
"Liam what am I going to do, every time something like that happens, I can't help but get butterflies"
Is he talking about me??
"Lou mate I don't know, thought you had sorted this all out!!"
"So did I, I kissed Stan and I didn't feel anything so I figured I wasn't gay"
"Maybe you only have feelings..."
"Woah mate, watch where your going!!"
I slowly looked up, looking who I bumped into. The tanned lad out of us all.
"Sorry Zayn, I just wasn't looking"
"Yeah I know....are you okay??"
"Yeah totally good, couldn't be better. I'm just about to head back home, mind giving Lou a lift back, tell him dinner will be ready at 7."
"Yeah no worries, consider it done"
I trudged off and got in the car, turning on the engine, I started to drive to Tesco's.
"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world.." my phone started to go off, its Louis ringtone.
"Hello Boobear"
"Hey Hazzabear, Zayn said you had gone food shopping for dinner. The boys and I were gonna go back to our house, chuck a film on and get a take out. Do you want to join?"
"Yeah I'll be there in a sec just arrived at Tesco's so glad you called. See you in a bit"
"Love you Haz"
"Love you too Boo"
I hung up and turnt the engine back on and tuned around out of the car park back home.

Louis POV
Something is wrong with Haz, normally we would hang on to the phone and start an 'I love you more' argument. He just hung up.
I walked back into the living room obviously with a face like a slapped arse on.
"Lighten up, Jesus Christ. If you're gonna be like this the whole night go to you bloody bedroom" I looked up at the Irish leprechaun
"OI, just cause you want more food to yourself. H will be here in a min, so order up the food. We will have the norm, Chicken Chow Mein for me and a Thai Green Chicken Curry for H."
"Your like an old married couple- knowing what the other wi require for dinner."
I couldn't help but get a warm fuzzy feeling when they said that. What is wrong with me lately, I need to sort this out. Maybe go home for a weekend, it would be nice to see my Mum and Sisters.
"Boo they want beer, have we got any?" I turned to be faced with the greenest eyes ever.
"Yeah I'll just get them, do you mind throwing that popcorn into a bowl, you know what Niall is like"
"Hahahah yeah no problem"
With that he walked out, and I am sure he wiggled his bum a little bit more than normal.

Harry POV
We were all sat in the living room with the Chinese on our laps, watching Grease seeing as it is Louis favourite film and he seems to always get what he wants. My phone started to ring, I excused myself from the boys and entered the Kitchen. No Caller ID, that's strange I thought.
"Hey Harry, It's Taylor. I'm in London for a while. I was wandering if you wanted to go for a drink tonight?? I completely understand if you don't want to, seeing as you have just come off stage and are pretty tired. By the way an amazing show you guys put on."
"Ohh Hey Taylor yeah I'd love too. Mind if I bring the boys with me??"
"More the merrier I have some of mates with me anyway."
She text me the address they were at and whilst I walked into the living room.
"Oi you miserable lot, just been invited out for a couple drinks with Taylor, anybody want to come??"
"Yeah let's do it, we haven't been out altogether in ages. It'll be fun!"
You can always count on Niall to get everybody in the mood for drinks. Reluctantly they all got out of their chair and chucked on some fresh clothes, we headed out the door and made our way to the pub just down the road texting Taylor to meet us their.

Louis POV
"Mate one of us has to say sober, by the looks of it Harry is already pissed, Zayn is now falling asleep on Perrie after calling her out and Niall has just lined up 20 shots to try and bet the record he holds. So between me and you mate who is going to not drink?"
I know Liam is normally the Daddy out of us all but for some reason he just isn't himself lately, him and Danielle must be going through a rough patch.
"I'm gonna turn in, if that's okay. Not feeling too good. If later on they seem to get too much for you to handle give me a call and I'll be there."
Giving me a bro hug he walked off. I need to find out what is wrong with him. I walked over to the dance floor where Harry was grinding on some slut, even though I'm not drinking I can still have fun, right??
"Oh look it's the two fags from OneDirection. My little sister always goes on about Larry fucking Stylinson. It gets right on my tits."
"You have tits, I thought only girls could have tits??" I snickered a little at the sassy comment Harry had made, waiting for him to follow it up ......SLAP

Harry was now on the floor lying their too intoxicated to fight back and the man that once stood in front of me now on top of Harry repeatedly kicking him
"Gay guys need to be taught a lesson" with those words said- something snapped. I couldn't control my body, it had a mind of their own. I pushed the man back and showed him what it felt like, kicking punching doing anything I could to make him feel pain. I blocked the high pitch squeals from all the sluts around me, two rough hands got around my waist to pull me off. Throwing my arms back, I must've hit them cause they let go. I pounced back on the man.
The room fell silent, had I said something wrong?? I looked around, the man was unconscious, people had their phones out obviously filming the whole scene. That'll be all over the media tomorrow, expect a call from Management. The last thing I did see was Harry turning around running from the pub with tears down his cheeks. Running back through what I had said I picked out the key points that would do that to him
I have lots of explaining to do in the morning. Isn't it funny how fast the night changes??

Soooo what do you guys think, first time doing my own fanfiction. Please leave comment in areas where I can improve. I will definitely complete this. Also feel free to give me ideas on next chapters.

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