Chapter 4

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Harry POV

What is he playing at. He told me he was going to a meeting with management, instead there are photo's everywhere of him with his new 'girlfriend'. I even had the decency to believe he had a meeting. I can't wait to see the excuse he comes up with. The boys came round earlier cause I was bored so I asked them to stay to see what Louis had to say. Talking of the devil, he's just walked through the door. Looking a bit pale around the cheeks, he's probably nervous on what he's going to say.
"Who's the lucky lady you're with??"
"Well ummmm, I know your not going to believe me and this is going to sound mad but management gave me a choice. I either quit the band, or I got myself a beard." I looked around and by the looks on their faces, they weren't buying it.
"So I opted for having a beard. The story involves Harry introducing me to her, obviously because this is supposed to stop the Larry rumours. We'll be dating until the rumours stop."
Silence filled the room and everyone just looked between us!
"Mate whAt a load of bullshit!! Anyway come on lads I'm going, I'll give you a lift!!"
Niall, Zayn and Liam all left leaving me to talk to Louis.
"You know that, that was a load of bullshit, until you tell me the fucking truth I'm gone. I'll be at my mums. We're supposed to be friends and yet you can't even tell me the truth Louis. Fuck this shit!!"
I slammed the door shut and jumped in my car, I didn't know where to go.

Louis POV
I thought really hard about making a story but then I thought why should I?? I told them the truth but they obviously didn't believe me, and I'm not being funny but who would. Even the truth is idiotic!! I remembered we have a live interview tomorrow, and I was supposed to remind the boys about it. Sending them all a quick text to tell them and I even included a 'Sorry, but it's the truth. If you don't believe me, you obviously don't trust me.' on the end of Harry's just to try and play the guilt game. I looked at the time and saw it was about 8 going upstairs I jumped into bed and fell straight asleep thinking what could this interview be about??
I woke up to the smell of pancakes, the only person who makes them is Harry. He's not here though, he left last night so why can I smell them?? Walking down the stairs I waltzed into the Kitchen seeing the brown locks.
"Before you say anything, I didn't have anywhere to go and it was cold outside. If I had a choice I wouldn't be here. Don't try to worm your way back into my good books. Boys are coming over for breakfast, watch the pancakes while I go have a shower." With that he turnt away.
"Harry please let me explain, let me invite El over after the interview and she can explain with me and to the boys aswell."
"Do what you want." That's all I got
We arrived at the studio after a long silent car journey. I looked up a couple times to see little glares coming from each of the boys. At the moment I am sat next to Harry all having a sound check. We have no people in the audience so that's okay, but it is live so we have been warned what we can and can't say.
"Hello my name is Jo and I am here with One Direction. Hello boys, how are you all??" We all gave her a nod and mumbled a good you.
"Yeah I am good, so what's happening in the pop life??" Liam took charge.
"Yeah it's been good, we have been recording the new album. Trying to figure out the new single which will probably be 'Night Changes' Apart from that we haven't really been busy."
"Oh well recently we have seen you all hanging out at Nando's. Any special occasion." Niall took the lead on this one...I remember that night, we had all been hungry and Niall chose to go there. When we finished there everyone went there own way apart from Harry and I. We went for a walk along the river that was nearby. The papz couldn't get in cause it was forbidden for them to go there. Anyway we walked along the river talking and laughing, just like the good old days. When we returned home we snuggled up in the sofa and watched a film. It was a good night.
I felt a sharp nudge in my side.
"Louis you okay?? I've just asked you a question?? Who's this girl you've been pictured with??" Shit I had zoned out, looking up the line Zayn, Liam and Niall were all glaring at me However when I looked at Harry he was staring into space. He looked hurt, what's happened.
"That's my girlfriend, her names Eleanor. We've only just started to date. She attends Manchester Uni."
"Ahh how cute. She's very pretty, you have yourself a keeper. How did you meet??"
"Thank you and actually this curly locks introduced us, they use to go to school together." I heard a breath hitch and looked down the line to see Harry now wiping an escaping tear of his face. What is wrong with him.
"You have lots to thank Harry for. Anyway that's all we have time for today. Join us next week when on the sofa will be 4 Aussie boys"

Harry POV
I couldn't help it, they started to fall. Jealous is an understatement, I'm fucking fuming. How can he sit there and lie to our fans. In some ways I want to believe him, but I just cant. I don't know what to do.
"I saw you crying earlier, you okay??"
Daddy Liam always to the rescue.
"No not really, I don't know what to do anymore. I have done everything to try and put these feelings to the side and they just won't go! What do I do??"
"Come to mine later and we will talk about it??"
"Okay but can you and the boys come round now, he said he is going to invite Elewhore round to explain the plan."
Liam nodded and walked off to tell the others whilst I walked out the back door toward thousands of fans. Preparing myself for all the questions"

What do you think so far guys??
I don't know if it is any good give me some comments

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