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Why do I keep falling back into sin each time?
Why don't I have enough time specially for my Messiah?
Why do I always lie through my teeth to cover up former lies?
Why do I always envy the beauty of others?
Why do I question how God made me in His perfect uniqueness?
But most of all...
Why does God still love me nonetheless?

Honestly, it didn't make sense to me until recently.
Why should such a powerful God who had done so much for me,
Have compassion for a sinner like me who failed to show any appreciation.

Well, that was until I discovered Romans 5:8 which states that "But God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Such amazing grace right? Ephesians 2:8 can even testify that it is only by God's grace that we can be saved through faith! Meaning you need faith even as small as a mustard seed to be saved! So if I've been saved, why then should I be ashamed?

💫For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is God's power to save all who believe; first the Jews and also the Gentiles." ~Romans 1:16💫

This is what led me to share my story! Quite a relatable Christian journey and I hope you realize that no matter what you've been through God's love for you is unceasing!

Much love, and God richly bless you for giving this book a go❣️❣️

Yours ever, your fellow Christian sister📝

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