1. Introduction (eng)

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One day a black dot suddenly appiered on the sky. That dot was getting closer and closer and the only one who noticed was Merlin, which just pulled out carrots from their garden.

,,What-?" He watched the dot for a bit, until he realised, what's going on. It was a dragon!

,,Is it some kind of bird?" squeaked Hans, standing on an edge of a cliff above the garden.

,,It's a dragon! Gather the others, quick!" Merlin turned at him and ran as fast as his small dwarfy legs could up in front of their house.

,,Quick, quick, mon-ami!" added Jack putting on his invisibility cloak.

,,What's happening?" yawned Arthur. He was just going out of the house.

,,A dragon!" sayed Pino, Noki and Kio at a blow and everyone turned on muscle guy, however doing so, they lost the dragon...

,,And why are you standing here? Ya thinking it is flying at us?" He scratched his eyes.

,,Ahhh-AAAHHH WATCH OUT!" the big guy shouted and pointed on the sky. From there, a big sphere was uncontrollably falling directly on them. They jumped into safety in the last moment.

When the dust fell down again, they could saw a dragon. It was a majestic dragon.

,,Is it just me, or it doesn't look dangerous?" whispered Merlin.

,,But it's a dragon!" wondered Hans, eyes wide open in disbelieve.

,,Unconscious dragon." Merlin stunged it.

Arthur sighed and slowly walked to others. ,,I don't know. Seems too much easy." He doubtfully pushed his sword at dragon's snout, but before he could say something, the dragon let out a warm smoke from it's nostrils.

All of them, frightened, jumped half a meter from the deadly dragon as fast as they could.

,,Ahhh, where... Am I?" said the dragon and slowly turned her head up, ,,what...?" she saw seven dwarfs with their swords slash yellow papers slash pans ready.

,,Who are you?" She glanced on all present people and sat hardly.

,,W-who a-are YOU?" breathed the blonde.

,,Oh, sorry, I'm so impolite! My name is Elizabeth and I'm under a curse. That's why you see a talking dragon." she gestured with her huge paws.

,,We figured it out, don't worry." answered Merlin putting papers back inside his bag. Then he layed his hands on his chest.

,,And who are you again?" asked the dragon girl eagerly.

,,I'm Merlin, this is Pino, Noki and Kio," the Triplets, ,,This is Jack," the blonde one, ,,Hans," the one with a pan, ,,and Arthur." the muscle guy.

,,Why are your names so familiar to me?" Elizabeth scratched her chin curiously.

,,You're under a curse? We're too!" gasped the triplets, when no one nothing said for awhile.

,,That's accually pretty funny story! You see, one day an old lady came to our house and wanted food and a shelter, ya know how it goes, so we gave it to her. Me and my dad. We are bith blacksmiths, you know?" the dragon started telling her story lustily. All seven dwarfs were listening carefully.

,,Everyone is laughing at me back at the village. Mostly boys. They say I got too sharp nose and frecles everywhere," she hung her head down in sadness, ,,and as I was telling it to that old lady, suddenly fell out of her mouth she could do magic."

,,And ehat happened next?" said Hans widening his eyes as he sat closely to Liz.

,,I'm getting there." the dragon becked importantly as she moved a little. ,,She offered me to help me, so no one will never laugh at me ever again. Who would reject, right?" she smiled and continued: ,,So we went in front of our forge and granny started saying some formulas, which I didn't underestand at all. Here starts the funny part," she assured her listeners.

,,I watched her hands getting all greeny stuff out of it, kinda like green fire, and then it jumped at me. Of course I jumpscared, who wouldn't, right?"

It was fun watching a dragon telling joyfully her story of being cursed. Merlin was not bying it. Curses are not full of joy at all, they know it themselves. He glanced at the others, he saw a happy looks at all of their faces like they are in the story too.

,,And then granny started muttering something like: magic, magic flower pot, let her skin be free of spot, or something like that. I can't remember much, I didn't hear her properly. In fact I didn't hear her at all! So why do I remember this?" she said all surprised. She continued a little uncertain, still dove into her thoughts on her suddenly being deaf: ,,Then I only remember deep black darkness and a voice inside my head."

,,What was the voice saying?" gasped Jack in amaze.

,,If you want the curse to snap, you, Elizabeth, must "the one" find. But remember, dragon at night, lassie at day again... She had a little accent," she giggled.

,,When I woke up, I was on some glade somewhere in the forest. I don't know how long I was there, but quite some time for sure." she looked up and watched all of them. She had to smile inside how everyone was listening to her, even Merlin relaxed a bit too.

She looked at them for a last time, but her eyes stoped at smiling Jack. Embarassed, she winked, pointed her sight in the ground and went on: ,,When I wanted to get up, I knew something was off. I wasn't ballanced at all and as I was falling on my back, my hands appiered in front of my face, how you normally fall, right? And so it began: my hands was not hands, but this claws." she waved aggressively. ,,I got scared and looked into lake, where I had to get first. It wasn't a piece of cake, I'll tell you."

,,When I got to see myself, I didn't want to believe my eyes. I was a dragon. I was that thing which we're making weapons for!" she screamed desperately.

,,From that time I hang around the forest and today I accidentally landed here," ended Elizabeth.

,,Wow," gasped Jack, turning his head sideways.

Everyone were quite for some time, they didn't want to interrupt the silence. Elizabeth looked up again and glanced at all dwarfs. She smiled nervously and asked: ,,What about you, guys?"

And so they shouted over eachother, battling, talking about how they got cursed. Jack spoke a bit, then Hans, but mostly Merlin.

,,Do you want to stay for a bit?" said Jack suddenly with sparkles in his eyes.

,,If anyone doesn't have any problems with that, I don't have anywhere to go back anyway," Liz smiled, shaking her shoulders.

They talked on and on, almost all day. As time passed, one by one exused themselves and went to do their own things, the only one who stayed was Jack. He got along with Elizabeth the most and the only thing that interruped them, was Arthur's calling for dinner.

Hans cooked roasted meat with potatoes, he brought it out, so Liz could eat with them too. She was about to ask the blonde, if he would want to stay with her, when Jack stood up without a word and walked away.

,,Oh... Ok," whispered Liz, sadly looking into her pan. She sighed and hypnotized the golden cooked chicken.

As she wanted to bite the leg of, someone cleared their's throath: ,,May I eat with you today?"

The dragon turned around frightened, but right after that, she sparkled in joy. With his mini plate, Jack stood there with a smirk on his face. She happily aggreed and moved a little.

They were talking and laughing all night.

Red Shoes and 7 dwarfs AU (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now