Chapter 3- Table for Two.

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Astrid took a piece of strawberry cheesecake and a glass of champagne from the desserts table and sat on one of the stools propped at a table for two. She sampled each while still squeezing champagne out of her hair, when Blair took the seat opposite her.

"Enjoy the show did you? All I had to do was tell them it's your birthday and that champagne was a great way to celebrate," Blair said, looking proud.
Astrid rolled her eyes, and got up from the seat, walking away.
"Going home to your mommy now? She'll just tell you not to mess with the queen. I doubt she's any better than you though, with your poor little family. You don't belong here. Besides, I didn't think you'd be that easily defeated," Blair murmured, sighing.
Astrid turned around and walked back towards Blair. "'My mother is dead! Although I was raised without one, and with less riches than you, I'm glad I didn't turn out like you, someone who was raised, by their nanny with all the riches in the world!" Astrid yelled, obviously mad at Blair's comments.
"You only wish that you could be better than me. But in reality, you know that you can't, and that's why you're being so bitter about it," Blair replied, getting to her feet.
" I'm the bitter one? I think you're the one that needs to be sweetened," Astrid replied, laughing. She picked up her glass of champagne and aimed it at Blair's face. The lonely piece of cheesecake, now in Astrid's hand landed smack on top of Blair's head, falling down onto her face.
People pulled out their phones to snap pictures of what looks like a sweet revenge.

Oh Blair, didn't anyone ever tell you to watch where you step. In this case, it wasn't going to be all over Astrid. Your public embarrassment backfired, and now your time of reign may be near its end.

Astrid, obviously amused at the look of horror and shock on Blair's face, smirked and walked out. She waited on the side of the street for a cab, until Nate walked out behind her and called at her. She turned around slowly only to see a smiling Nate looking at her.

"I wish you would've told me about your plan so maybe I'd have some fun too," he said, chuckling.
"I didn't plan it, but I'm glad it happened," Astrid replied, bursting out into laughter.
"She's my friend but sometimes people need to stand up to her. And I'm glad it was you, because now it shows that you have some power," Nate said, exhausted and extending his hand. "We still have a few hours left, until you have to be home, so how about we go back to the penthouse, make dinner and watch a movie?"
"Great, and I could finally get changed so that the bugs won't eat me," Astrid replied, holding his hand and walking off.

They walked back to the penthouse at the Empire, holding hands and looking happy as ever, now that they had taken their revenge. But nothing lasts forever, and neither will this couple.

Astrid showered and threw on one of Nate's shirt and shorts, while he made some hot dogs for dinner. She walked out of Nate's room and into the kitchen, throwing a bag of popcorn into the microwave, which caught Nate's attention.
"Wow," he muttered under his breath.
"What?" She questioned, curiously.
"Nothing, I'm just... not used to seeing you in my shirts," he said, placing the hot dogs onto a tray.
Astrid smiled at this adorable remark from her boyfriend. "You're cute," she said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You're beautiful," he replied at once, staring at her eyes, his arms around his waist.
Their kiss was finally cut off by the sound of the microwave, signalling that the popcorn was ready.
They walked over to the couch and put on a rom com, which they both enjoyed.

One night, but total opposites. A calm, relaxed couple cuddled up on the couch together, and a steaming, angry couple, downing shots after things didn't go as planned.

Blair and Chuck sat next to each other, not even muttering a word, but instead focusing on their drinks. Blair's hair, filled with the cheesecake filling and the strawberry topping on her face. The front of the dress was soaked with a spot of champagne. Blair's minions walked up to her after a few minutes of silence, bidding their goodbyes.
"Find out everything you can on Astrid Van Der Bilt. Everything that you can! I will not be defeated," Blair said, getting up, as he minions left.
"I'll try to talk to Nate and see what information I can extract from him," Chuck said, before being pulled into a conversation with one of his business associates.

The next morning arrived, only for the sun, shining through the glass doors to wake one sleeping couple. Overslept did they?

Astrid woke up, gently lifting Nate's arm off of her and groaning whilst blocking out the sunlight that entered the room through the giant windows. She rubbed her eyes and made her way into the kitchen getting a glass of water. She turned around quickly, finally noticing that she was not in her apartment, but instead at the Empire's penthouse. She looked over on the couch at Nate, still sleeping peacefully. She walked into his room and grabbed her dress, slipping it on, before checking her phone.

17 missed calls from dad? 5 texts from her brother? Uh Oh... looks like someone will have a fun, filling family reunion for breakfast. An angry parent and a brother returning home?

She quickly stuffed it into her purse and walked out into the living room, putting on her shoes, and bumping into Chuck, on her way out. He glimpsed at her, still wearing the dress with a smug smile.
"I'll return the dress, I promise, but right now I have to go home," Astrid babbled.
"It's a gift, so you can keep it. I'm guessing you didn't have much use for it last night," Chuck replied softly with a smirk.
"Nothing like that happened. Your girlfriend was the one who soaked it and obviously I couldn't sleep in a wet dress," she replied, flustered, not believing that she was having this conversation with Chuck Bass.
"So you two have never -?" He went on.
"What? No, of course not." Astrid replied slightly embarrassed. " Look Chuck, I really need to go, so could you just do me a favour? Tell Nate that something came up and that I'll message him when I get the chance." Astrid walked past him and towards the couch, kissing Nate on the forehead before, heading to the elevator.

Sometimes, we may leave a message but it depends on the messenger to get it there safely, or in this case, to deliver the correct message. But you know the saying: Don't kill me, I'm just the messenger.

Astrid arrived at her apartment, walking in to see her father sitting on the couch staring up at her. He raised his phone only to show a picture of her and Blair on gossip girl, during their little fight last night.
"I'm sorry. I know I was supposed to be home last night but I got caught up an-" Astrid rambled.
"You finally went to an 'upper class' party and this is what I find? You fought with some girl?" her dad replied calmly.
"You know about gossip girl? How?" Astrid sighed.
"From me. I saw the posts and I was worried so I told him," said a tall, thin teenager walking out from the kitchen and sitting next to his father.

Another Van Der Watt in town? There must be a family reunion that I didn't get an invitation to. But who knows? Maybe a brother-sister duo is exactly what is needed to take down Blair Waldorf.

"What are you doing here?" Astrid expressed, shocked that her brother was in town.
"You're not the only one on Christmas break. So I decided to come home to spend it with my family." Alex replied. "Honestly, I thought that you'd be happy to see me."
"I am happy that you're here," Astrid replied smiling, but turned back to her dad. "I'll explain everything, I swear. I didn't mean to but she provoked me."
"You can explain over breakfast, after you've had a shower. From what gossip girl says, you've had an eventful night."
Astrid sighed in relief and walked over to her room, to get refreshed.

Nate woke up, alone on the couch, only to find that his beloved girlfriend had left. He walked over to the bar where Chuck was seated and placed himself onto a stool.
"Where's Astrid?" He questioned, pouring some scotch into a glass.
"She left. Got up early this morning and said something about last night being a mistake," Chuck replied, waving his glass around and his eyebrows raised.

Careful Bass, you're not the only one in this town that knows how to tell a good lie. Be careful not to get caught up in it.

After Astrid had explained what really happened to her brother and father over breakfast, she decided to take her brother on tour of the city. They explored the local cafes, museums and finally ended up at the park for a relaxing walk.
"Nate Archibald huh?" Alex said, with his hands in his pockets. "Don't you think he's a little... well not your type. Do you know how many people he's been with? Not to mention that his closest friends are the royalty of the Upper east side?"
"Ik you don't like him, and neither does dad, who unlike you still tries to hide that. But he's not like that at all... if you got to know him, you'll realise that," Astrid replied.
"You know the reason we left LA. And I just think by dating Nate that you're just falling back into your old self," muttered Alex, softly.
"I'm not my old self. I'll never be. And Nate's not his old self either. When I'm with him, I just feel like no one is judging me. I know that's weird cause all eyes are on us, but it's different." Astrid exclaimed, trying to prove her point.
"So when can I meet him?" Alex replied, raising his eyebrows and smiling.
"Get ready for tonight. I'll tell him to meet us at the restaurant."

The New Queen in Manhattan [Based on Gossip Girl - Nate Archibald]Where stories live. Discover now