Chapter 12- Evil Y/N trapped?

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I want to start writing another story. But I was thinking of doing a HypeMyke X Reader. Should I? I already know some things I want to do with the story but I don't know if you all will read the story.  Also, I might accidentally put Katie instead of Katie. Sorry. Katie is my name. So yeah, sorry.

Evil Katie's POV

I saw it right in front of me. Jester pushing Katie over the railing. I saw that Jesse. The good one catch Katie. Then I felt someone pull me back. I screamed but it wasn't as loud as Katie's.  My scream got muffled by a hand. I got knocked out. After what felt like hours I woke up. I saw Evil Jester in front of me. 

"You think you could mess with me? I know you. You're not Evil Katie," He said.

"Actually... Yeah, I am," I said. I was going to say that I was Evil Katie. But I didn't want Katie to be killed. As much as I hate her I didn't want her dead. Now I had to at least play as if I didn't know he was going to kill me. Well if he knew if we told her then I would play along with him so he wouldn't think I wasn't the Katie he was expecting.

"I'm going to be right back," He said. 

"Okie," I said, he nodded. I then realized why Katie said okie a lot. Because it was kinda fun to say.  

"Where are we?" I asked Jester once he got back. 

"Their old house," He replied. I nodded. 

Your POV

I looked up to where my evil twin was but what I saw made me mad. I saw Evil Jesse pulling her away. 

"We have to go save her!" I say. They looked at me confused. 

"Why? I thought that you hated her," Nick says.

"I do but I don't want her dead," I say. I didn't want her dead but I hated- I don't hate her. She may be evil but she's my evil twin. 

"Okay we will save her but where would they be?" Jesse asks. 

"Hmmm...." Graphnix says. I looked at my watch it said that it was 4:00 am.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" I asked Graphnix and HypeMyke. 

"Yes, we should," HypeMyke agrees. 

"We'll save her tomorrow night," Graphnix said. Everyone agreed on that. Graphnix and HypeMyke left while the rest of us went to bed. While I was trying to go to bed I was thinking about if Evil Katie was okay.  I got up the next day. I haven't had good sleep for almost a week. I was annoyed. But at least I was getting sleep. I got dressed and then got ready for the day. After that, I went downstairs to get coffee. 

"Hey Katie," Nick says as I start to make my coffee.

"Hey, Nick," I reply. It felt good to see my friends again.  

"Did you sleep well? You look like you haven't slept in weeks," Nick says.

"I haven't slept well for almost a week," I say.

"Oh," Nick says. I sipped my coffee. 

"Hi," Myke says.

"Hi Myke," I smiled. I'm happy to see Myke. And for some reason especially Jesse. I might have a crush on him. I heard my phone ring. I looked at it. Jesse was calling. I wonder what he wants.

Also, this is after James (Moussi) and Jesse had moved out and you're in the spare bedroom. And yes I did leave this chapter on another cliffhanger. I'm now posting at least a  chapter of each story. Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that. Until next time-


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