Chapter 20 - Undercover

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Another chapter :) Hope you enjoy it and there is more to come soon. Hopefully I won't take too long, but I've been writing everything up first so that I can type it up and improve it.

ANYWAY enough of my talking, hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Becca <3


Chapter 20 -

Draco's POV

Draco felt his blood run cold as he listened to Ella speak. The best friend of Harry Potter. A Deatheater. He felt angry at her yet upset that she could have made this choice. They had corrupted her; th brightest witch of her age had turned to the darkness all because of her father. He didn't dare to voice his opinions and joing in with the celebrations, putting on a fake smile to make it seem like everything was ok. But it wasn't. That evening there was a feast held in honour of her and Draco thankfully was able to sit next to her at the table. He took a deep breath and was finally able to find the courage to ask her about it.

"How could you do this? You're supposed to be Ginny and Harry's friend and all you've done is betray them." she turned to face him with a look that he had never seen before.

"Who are you to tell ME what to do? I'm second in command and YOU are supposed to listen to me." He blinked in surprise at the uncanny similarity between her and her father.

"But what about Ginny and Harry??" He asked her loudly, unfortunately capturing the attention of Voldemort who turned round to face him, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Harry? Harry Potter?" Draco averted his gaze as Voldemort's eyes turned red. Everyone shuffled uncomfortably in their seats besides Ella who sat there confidently despite her father's anger building up at the mention of his enemy's name. "You DARE speak his name at this time?!"

"Don't worry father, it was just a misunderstanding. Harry Potter WAS my best friend. I realise that it was a stupid mistake and I assure you that I hate him with a passion." Voldemort's eyes returned to their normal colour as he sat back down in his chair. Draco sent Ella a questioning look but she didn't look at him. How could she say that about Harry? Sure, he hated the boy himself but HER? They had been great friends for years. And why did she protect him seconds after snapping at him? Something wasn't right.

"You were friends with my enemy...OUR enemy?" Voldemort questioned. Draco noticed that everyone had relaxed slightly now but they were still on edge, knowing how quickly he could lose it.

"Yes. I grew up as Hermione Granger. A muggleborn that wanted to prover heself to people. But I was foolish to have befriended HIM. I want nothing more to do with him or any of them." Draco felt dread in the pit of his stomach. What had caused her to feel this way? He wondered to himself. He excused himself and trudged slowly to his room where he got out a quill and some paper to write a letter.

'Dear Ginny,' He paused, not knowing how she would react to hearing that her friends had betrayed them. He would just have to tell her straight, she deserved to know the truth. An hour and 20 scrunched up pieces of paper later he had finally finished it.

'I know that this would probably seem strange, recieving a letter from me, but I thought you ought to know what has happened. Ella...Hermione's father asked her to become a Deatheater, his second in command and, well...she accepted. I know you probably won't believe me but I was a witness to the whole thing. I asked her how she could do this to you and Harry but Voldemort heard and she told him that she was foolish to befriend him and that sh ewanted nothing more to do with any of you. I don't know what to do anymore, she's changed. She's different now, becoming more like her father. Please help.

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