Damage is Done

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Violette Adams: Hello there! My name is Violette Adams. But, since we are going to get well acquainted in the coming weeks, you guys are allowed to call me Vi, okay? I am sixteen years old and am currently trying to make sense of my bizarre life. My parents are half Indian and they can be a bit...sexist. That's actually one of the reasons why I favour feminism. (I mean, excluding the fact that I am a woman who appreciates what our foremothers went through to get the rights that we sometimes end up taking for granted today) I am not an extremist about anything really but if you're going to be an asshole about race, gender, etc, Im going to go ham on you. Okay? Okay. Note that I said "if you're being an asshole". I am not gonna attack you for having a different opinion than me unless and until you're an asshole about it or treat someone poorly. Other than that, we cool. I must sound so confident to you, right? Well, it's fake. I have only one mantra in life when it comes to self-confidence: Fake it till you make it. What's that, buddy? You want me to go to a party with you? No, thank you. I am perfectly comfortable here, sitting on my bed and 'Netflix and chill-ing' allll daaayyy long. So, that's me. I hope you like me. Why? Because I am a people pleaser. Please like m- wait...where are you going!?

Damn it.


Adrian Smith: "Hey....uh, do we have to do this?"

Narrator: Yes. Talk!

Adrian: "Ugh, okay. I like fancy cars and hot chicks."

Narrator: "Thats it?"

Adrian: "Yup." (popping the p)

Narrator: "So, you're like...a bad boy?"

Adrian: smirking, "you could say so"

Narrator: "But you seem to work really hard. That isn't very bad boy of you"

Adrian: Raising his brows at the narrator, clearly annoyed "So, you're saying that I should not care about my grades?"

Narrator: "No, that's not what I am saying at a-"

Adrian: "of course you're not." still smirking

Narrator: "I did not mean it like tha-"

Adrian: Looking at the clock, "Are we done here? I have got a lot of chicks to fuck and tests to ace"

Narrator: U-uh, I actually had a few more questions.

Adrian: clicking his tongue "I don't think so. Im done answering them" getting up to leave.

Narrator: B-bu-

Adrian is gone.


A/N: Hello, guys. And thank you so much for picking my story today. I haven't written in AGES and am really excited to be writing again. Please note that I am in no way trying to offend anybody by my story and if this offends or triggers you in any way all, I am so so sorry, that is not what I am here to do. Other than that, I hope you like my story so far. I will be uploading regularly and have already uploaded 6 chapters to this story. It's available on Dreame as well as Wattpad for now but I intend to continue on Dreame after leaving a preview here.

Alsooo, if you have a Dreame account, please go and follow me. IASWAB was written by me when I was 14-17 and now that I am 23, Ive matured a lot as a writer and would love nothing more than the chance to show it to you guys. Please give me the chance? :)

Link: https://www.dreame.com/novel/MMuJlwWjcnaaOBgBYXudTA%3D%3D.html

Please read and folllooow. :)

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