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If Yaoyorozu was in charge, all the workers would've gotten to party and a serious tip. Heck, even if Yubaba was still around, they'd get drinks on the house. Instead, they had Onuka, so they had to spend the evening scouring the floor for the gold Todoroki left behind and then hand it over. 'Stupid water spirit. Coming here, all polluted and leaving his money all over the place.' Sami thought as she carried her and Miku's meals to the balcony where they sat, trying not to bother the other girls in the room.

"I brought you some pocky." She said, handing the sweet snack over. She remembered the matcha flavor was her favorite.

"Thanks." Miku said. She wondered what the white-haired girl was thinking about, whether she still wanted to know why Sami was still at the bathhouse. They watched the ocean, which had filled up from rain until the train passed. Sami's eyes followed the smoke until it faded out.

She laid down on her back and whispered, "You know, I used to want to leave. To see the world."

Miku didn't turn her head, but slowly asked, "Sami. Do you know me?"

Sami sighed. "Yes. You've been here before."

"I have?"

"Yeah. It's been years here, but time passes differently, so for you it's probably only been a few months. Last time you were here for about half a year, but only seconds passed in the real world." Sami explained.

"Oh." Miku said, thinking something over. "So I knew Deku, too."

Sami hummed in agreement. "You saved him last time, well, you saved all of us. You beat Yubaba at her own game."

"All of us? Where's the rest of you?" Miku questioned.

Sami winced. "We had a few good years, but then a new witch came and took over. Most the workers left, but a few of us, my close friends, stuck around to help Yaoyorozu- She was in charge after Yubaba. They were all turned into decorations, or had their names stolen like Deku. I guess you also had your memories wiped somehow."

"Why not you?"

"You know, I ask myself that often. I think it's because being alone is just as bad, and I was the unlucky one for whatever reason."

"So you're all alone."

"Yeah, I guess you could put it like that."

They sat in silence again until Miku whispered, "I'm sorry I don't remember."

Sami rolled over to look at her. She really did look sorry, her eyes glistening with guilt. "Eh, it's not your fault. Plus, you always have another chance at saving Deku, right? I'm sure you could reverse the contract again. After all, you knew his name once before."

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