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"I agree." Miku said. She took a few steps forward, standing in front of Deku. She trusted him. She would win and free her friends.

Onuka clapped her hands together. "Alright! Let's begin." She snapped and suddenly there was hoards of pigs around them. "All you have to do is choose which pigs are your parents."

Miku had to hold back laughter. Was she being serious? No wonder Deku thought she'd pass this in a breeze, her parents weren't in the spirit world. She'd entered alone this time. She didn't bat an eye as she said, "That's easy. They're not here."

Onuka's eyes widened. "Is that your final answer? Choose wisely."

"Yes." Miku answered.

With another snap, all the pigs disappeared. "How did you know?" Onuka cried, her voice high pitched.

"Another easy question." Miku said. "I came into the spirit world alone."

Onuka's eyes darkened. "YOU CHEATED!" She screeched, pointing her finger towards Miku. "YOU CHEATED, YOU CHEATED, YOU CHEATED!"

Miku took a step back in shock, bumping into Deku's chest. He wrapped a protective arm around her and said, "She didn't cheat. You were the one who set the rules. Now break the curse."

Onuka let out a despaired wailed, taking off one of her bracelets. She threw it to the ground angrily and muttered at it. Miku's bracelet suddenly shattered into pieces. She looked at in surprise. "You don't need that anymore." Onuka said, stomping her foot on the bracelet like a toddler. "I lifted all the curses like I said I would." She stood with her arms crossed, pouting.

"You think she's telling the truth?" Miku asked Deku, looking up at him. He still hadn't removed his arm from around her.

"Witches don't typically lie about deals." Deku mused. "But technically she could've."

Onuka shrieked at the top of her lungs. "KAMAJIIIIIII! THEY'RE CALLING ME A LIAR." Miku and Deku both jumped. Miku narrowed her eyes at the witch. She was beginning to act more and more like a spoiled brat.

In that moment, a bright ball of light appeared in between them, blinding everyone briefly. "Great news, everyone!" Yaoyorozu's voice boomed. "The curses were suddenly lifted!" The light faded to reveal her and the rest of their friends standing in the center.

"See, I told you." Onuka spat out, crossing her arms again.

Yaoyorozu looked between Onuka and Miku. Miku shrugged. "We'll tell you later." She said. Yaoyorozu nodded and turned back to Onuka and Kamaji.

"Care to give me back my bathhouse?" Yaoyorozu asked politely, tightening her ponytail.

"NO!" Onuka cried, stamping her foot again.

Yaoyorozu shrugged. "Have it your way."

These words, although technically not planned on, spurred everyone to begin fighting. Onuka summoned hundreds of "employees" to fight on her side, but Kamaji and herself joined in as well. They had been fighting for a good five minutes, neither side really winning or losing, when suddenly a loud voice call out, "Sorry for being late!" Everyone looked up. Sami was sitting on Katsuki's back, legs wrapped around his waist, as he dangled off the edge of the bathhouse with a pair of arms. She waved at them. "We were trying to keep the rating PG!" She continued. Katsuki grumbled something at her and she laughed and whispered something back.

"Bakugo, you're alive!?" Kirishima shouted, pausing his fight.

They dropped to the ground and Sami climbed off. "Why is everyone so shocked?" Katsuki asked gruffly. "It'll take more than some stupid witch to kill me." Sami patted his arm lovingly. He shook her off and said, "Alright, which one of you is Kamaji? I heard you've been ruining my boiler room."

Kamaji snarled. "I'd say running it."

Katsuki's eyes narrowed. "You'd be wrong."

With that, the fight resumed, except with the boiler men going at each other's throats. The battle, with the addition of Sami and Katsuki, clearly turned in their favor, and it only took ten more minutes to finish them off. Yaoyorozu took care of banning them from the bathhouse, despite Katsuki's insistence for a more permanent solution. After that, everyone headed into the bathhouse to celebrate.

Deku approached her during the party. "So, uh, why'd you come back?" He asked nervously.

"What do you think?" Miku asked. Deku began to blush. She smiled at him and grabbed his hand. "Don't worry. I'm here to stay, this time." 

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