Chapter 17: Display of Deception

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The starlight glittered in the atmosphere, obediently shining like jewels in the presence of their queen, the moon

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The starlight glittered in the atmosphere, obediently shining like jewels in the presence of their queen, the moon. She sat high above her subjects, bathed in her white light, and wrapped in the silky wisps of clouds that sailed by her omniscient eyes.

Dancing below her was a life that wasn't pure. A life that had traveled down the wrong path for so long, that they had become callous to it. It no longer bothered them because the conscience that used to live freely within them had slowly washed away. The conscience that used to thrive within them had hardened into the form of stone little by little with each passing day as they learned to shut out the voice of humanity within them.

They could no longer hear the cries of their own conscience.

What a dangerous game it was to play when one ignores the calls from their conscience.

Every sane person was born knowing the difference between right and wrong. But some had mastered the art of manipulation, the art of blocking it all out in order to become a monster. A beast. An evil, wretched creature.

But nobody ever dwells upon that.

People are only interested in unveiling the monster, but nobody is interested in unveiling the man or woman behind it.

It is easy to pretend as if these people don't exist, but that's precisely what they want. To destroy the foundations of society, to stain what is good and uphold was is wrong.

They worship the riches of the world, their god is Power. Power they chase, wealth they desire, yet divided they fall.

Do they not know that those things are temporary? Do they not know that they cannot bring these items with them when they die? Power, money, and all things on this earth are not inherently evil, but they can cause the innately selfish desire in humanity to grow, to take over like weeds in a garden that was once plentiful with fruit.

Foolish are those who dedicate their existence to power and wealth. They become so blinded and selfish by their desires, many turn to prey on the innocent and less fortunate to achieve what they wish.

Many will look at wrong-doers and say, "I'm not like them, I'm not the enemy." All the evil people on the earth are human just like everyone else. Aren't they all the same, then - good and evil people alike? Evil beings are human just like everyone else, born with a conscience as clear as day.

They were just like anyone else, only they continued to travel down the path for far too long. They tasted the flavor of wealth and became envious of those more powerful than them. Instead of shaking off those feelings, they pursued them. They pursued them and became bitter, jealous, and angry.

And jealousy, when left untreated, can turn even the most tender-hearted into cold, calculated killers.

Every person is equipped to be just like the evilest people on the earth. If one lets their anger, their jealousy, their bitterness, their desire fester, they may not even realize they've traveled down the wrong path for so long. They may not even recognize themselves anymore when they finally look up from their blood-stained hands and glance in the mirror.

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