Part 6

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Day 1 (Sunday)

Chimon has never prayed as intently as he did at church early that morning. When the mass ended, Rosa had to stay behind to meet with her prayer group and do some charity work so he had to go home alone.

While on his way, he texted Drake and Frank to come to his house. He needed to talk to them about his dream or he would go crazy thinking about it.

In less than an hour, Drake and Frank were already at Chimon's house. They were quite nervous since Chimon rarely sent texts like that. They still managed to bring lots of food though. They were still in high spirits after reconciling the night before. Besides, they both loved Rosa too and they missed her so they even bought her a cake.

"I said I needed to talk to you guys. I didn't say I was having a potluck party," Chimon jested upon seeing them.

"We're celebrating our relationship, you're just a guest," Drake replied as he arranged the food they brought on the dining table. He and Frank had spent countless hours hanging out at the Reyes' residence since high school so they felt very at home already.

"I miss Lola Rosa. Where is she by the way? We brought her favorite strawberry shortcake," Frank wondered.

"You know her. Aside from prayer meetings, she probably has ten other things to do at church. Then one of her friends will most likely invite her for lunch somewhere. Sunday is her socialization day."

"Aww. So she won't be able to join us for lunch then?" Drake sounded disappointed.

"Yep," Chimon answered. "And that's good too. I need to talk to the both of you in private."

Frank and Drake looked at each other, both slowly walking towards Chimon.

This was how advanced their friendship was. They knew if something was up with each other.

Chimon noticed the worried looks on his friends' faces.

"Relax, guys," he said calmly and ushered them to the sofa. "Sit so we can talk."

The two followed him to the sofa and got ready for what seemed to be a serious conversation.

"Remember when I told you about my weird nightmares about the death of people I love?" Chimon started. He had talked to his friends about this three years ago when his parents died.

Frank replied, "Yes. It's like a premonition or something right? When you dream of someone dying, they actually die after 10 days."

Drake's eyes widened with sudden fear. "Chimon, no. Please, no. It's not Lola Rosa, right?"

Frank immediately looked devastated too.

Chimon quickly answered, "No."

"Is it one of us?" Drake asked holding Frank's hand.

"Dude, I would have been crying like mad already if it was one of you," Chimon stated. "It's someone else."

"Then who? Your grandparents on your mother's side are gone. Your grandpa and parents are gone. You're an only child. Your father's an only child too and your mother's only sister has not contacted you for years now. Who could it possibly be?"

"Haha. You know my family that well?"

"What do you expect? You know me even better. You even know the name of our maids' husbands," Drake chided. Then his face turned serious again. "So who is it?"

Chimon fidgeted for a while before answering. "It's Pluem. Ms. Alonzo's nephew. He currently lives in her house right now."

"Huh? How long have you known this Pluem guy?" Drake questioned.

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