Story 6: Highschool Life (SMUT)

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As usual, my math class has to be one of the most boring class of all time. I mean all the teacher talks about is history, it sucks. Anyway, just when I was about to fall asleep due to the boredom when something hit me in the back of the head. I wake up and see who threw it. It was none other than Jennie, aka my enemy. I grab the note from the floor and look at what it said.



I was laughing at Taehyung's reaction when I threw the paper at him. He gave me an angry look but I didn't mind. The class went  I grabbed my notebook to write down the homework. As I was doing that, I look up and notice that Taehyung got up from his seat and was walking towards the pencil sharpener that was near my seat. I felt like something was up and I didn't like it. After he was done, he looked like he was going to go back to his seat, and then boom. He "accidentally" spilled water all over my clothes. Everyone in the classroom gasped.  

"Oh shoot, I'm *smirk* sorry Jennie," he said acting like he didn't do it on purpose.

My god, I hate that guy. I swear he has to be the worst human being on the planet. I start to wipe the water off my body. In the distance, I can hear some other classmates laughing at me. I felt so embarrassed. I then raised my hand to excuse myself from class. I got up from my seat and went to the bathroom to dry up some more. 

"I swear to god, I will get you so bad one day Mr. Taehyung," I said while looking in the mirror.

The bell then suddenly rang and I went back to the classroom to get my things. I noticed that Taehyung was still there and before he left I grabbed him from his hair.

"Owww, what the hell Jennie," he said.

"Look, you may think you have everyone fooled but not me. I know you did that on purpose," I said to his face.

He then left the classroom leaving me all alone. After that, I followed up and was going to exit the building to go home.

"JENNIE WAIT UP!!!!!!," someone yelled.

I look behind me and see my best friend RM.

"Oh, what's up Rap Mon."

"Hey, I'm having this party tonight, all the students are coming, do you want to come," he asked.

"Yeah, sure, what time is the party going to be at."

"It's going to start at 6 in the afternoon."

"Okay cool I'll be the~ wait, wait is Taehyung going to be there," I said.

"Jennie, I know you hate that dude but he is my friend as well. Of course he was invited," he said.

"Oh come on dude," I complained.

"Don't worry all your other friends will be there, Jungkook, Lisa, Jhope, Jin, Jisoo, Rosé, Jimin."

"Will grandpa be there as well," I asked.

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