Story 8: Stockholm Syndrome

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I suddenly woke up from the dizziness I had. I can't remember anything that happened in the past 24 hours. I felt something, I was tied up to a chair and there was something covering my mouth. I could barely breathe. I opened my eyes fully to see that I had been kidnapped and I need to get out of here as soon as possible. As I was struggling my way out, I a door open and steps coming down my way. 

"Don't try to struggle, baby," the man said. "It doesn't help."

I tried to scream for help but there was no use as the mouth covering muffled my voice. I look up and see him coming towards me. In his hands was a knife. I feared the worst was about to happen.

"Now don't move, Tae is going to treat nice and well," as he traces the knife across my throat and whispers in my ear.

Just then he removes the mouth covering allowing me to speak. 

"AHHHHH, WHERE AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I yelled at him.

"Now why would I tell you that," he said humorously.

"Don't laugh, why are you doing this to me," I pleaded.

I then started to cry in pain. I can't believe this happened to me. I don't want to die today. I look back up and see the man coming towards me with his knife. I kick him away making him falling to the ground.

"NO, GO AWAY FROM!!!!!!," I yelled.

He got up and started to rub off the dirt that he got.

"You are one fiery one Jennie," he said.

"How the hell do you know my name," I asked.

"I have my way, but anyways, I like you, Jennie, I will keep you alive for another day," he said and walked back upstairs, locking the door.

I can't believe this is happening.


It has been 3 months since I have been in Taehyung's secret underground basement. I started to get less scared of him over time as he keeps on feeding me and making me live. He keeps saying that I'm different than the other people. It's almost like he is taking care of me. I don't know why but somehow I like it. He is making me feel safe. Anyways, Taehyung came down the steps to go and check on me. 

"Hello, Jennie how are we doing," he asked.

"I'm doing fine, well besides being tied up," I replied.

Just then he goes behind me and cuts off the ties from behind my back. I pull them up and stretch them up to get a feel for them again. 

"Oh yes, it has been a while since I was able to move again," I said standing up.

"Well, I am beginning to trust you over these past few months," he replied.

"Yeah, well don't think just because you trust me doesn't mean I trust you," I responded.

"Well, just behave baby," he said before leaving me in the basement and locking the door.

I don't know why but am beginning to like him a bit. I mean why do the bad boys have to look so hot. 


Today, Taehyung sits with me as I eat with him in the basement.

"How have you been today Jennie," he asked.

"I've been good, how about you," I replied.

"I'm fine," he said in a weird way.

I can feel something is up. He doesn't seem really confident when he said that he was fine. 

"Taehyung, is there something wrong," I asked.

"Huh, when did you start to care," he asked.

"Just fucking tell me what's wrong," I said.

He then put his food aside and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Jennie, but I'm going to have to let you go," He said.

"But why," I asked.

"The cops are on to me, they are going to search my house for captives. I'm going to have to let you go if I don't want to get caught. But hey, it's a win-win for you, you get to be set free and you don't get to see me in a while."

As he was about to leave I grabbed his arm pulling him my way.

"No, I don't want to leave," I said.

"B~but why," he asked in a confused tone.

Just then I pull him closer to me and our lips crashed onto each other. I don't want to lose him. To my surprise, he kissed back. 

"I don't want to leave you," I said.

"I don't want to leave you too," he said.

We crashed out lips together one more time and we pulled me up on the table and started to kiss me more aggressively. 

"I love you Jennie," he said.

"Me too," I replied.

I can't believe it. Not in a million years did I think that I would fall in love with my captor. After that, we led me upstairs to where his house was. We then left everything behind left off into the world before the cops could show up. It was a new beginning for me and him. He stopped kidnapping people because there was only one person worth it keeping, and that was me. I loved him so much.


"Honey, can you help me get the kids to sleep," I yelled across the room.

"Okay," he replied.

Taehyung and I brought our sleeping children to the bedroom and laid them there sleeping peacefully.

"They look so cute," I said before leaving them.

I then went upstairs to my bedroom and went beside Taehyung who was on his phone. Before we went lights out, I look at him one more time and kiss him goodnight. You know what, I'm glad Taehyung captured me. I don't know what would've happened if he didn't. 

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